French Language Publishers

Listing 431 to 440 of 494 French langauge publishing companies

Page 44 of 50 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of french publishers. To view a list of french langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including French books, French e-books, French magazines, French newspapers...

AkooBooks Audio

Accra, Ghana

Akoobooks Audio is a leading publisher and digital distributor of African audiobooks.

Publisher profile: AkooBooks Audio
List of other French language publishers in Ghana


Modena, Italy

Digital Index Publisher publishes and distributes eBook and iBook on Apple's iTunes BookStore, on Amazon's Kindle, on Google Play, on Barnes & Nobles, on Kobo and all worlwide stores. In

List of other French language publishers in Italy

Editions Que

Bruxelles, Belgium

<>means <>. Only this but all of this. <>also means That. Founded by writer Bruno Wajskop in Marseille in 1999, QUE publishes essays in the areas of psychoanalysis, literature and politics, as well as lampoons.

Publisher profile: Editions Que
List of other French language publishers in Belgium

Rainbow Horizons Publishing

Kingston, Canada

Instant Downoads,Each unit contains everything a teacher needs to teach a complete 3-4 week unit — including teacher objectives, student objectives, reproducible student work sheets, integrated lesson plans, review activities, enrichment activities, and complete informational content.

Publisher profile: Rainbow Horizons Publishing
List of other French language publishers in Canada

internet publishers media Verlag Bremen

Bremen, Germany

Fiction and Non-Fiction, about Human Rights

Publisher profile: internet publishers media Verlag Bremen
List of other French language publishers in Germany

Flammarion Illustrated Books in English

Paris, France

Publishers of quality illustrated books on fine and decorative arts, photography, lifestyle, cookery, Distributed: Rizzoli (US & Canada); Flammarion (France, Luxembourg, Belgium); Nilsson & Lamm (Netherlands); Thames & Hudson (all other countries).

Publisher profile: Flammarion Illustrated Books in English
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions de I'Ehess

Paris, France

EHESS' Editions publishes representative works of the current events of the research in human sciences. The catalog proposes about 1000 references, distributed in a dozen of collections and six reviews of international brilliance.

Publisher profile: Editions de I'Ehess
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions de l'Homme

Ivry, France

Psychologie, médecine, cuisine, animaux. pratiques, loisirs, beaux-livres, santé, education, developpement personnel, sport, dietetique, oenologie, documents, nature.

Publisher profile: Editions de l'Homme
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Philippe Picquier

Arles, France

Far Eastern literature, children's books.

Publisher profile: Editions Philippe Picquier
List of other French language publishers in France

Armand Colin Editeur

Paris, France

Editeur de livres universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales, histoire, geographie, sociologie, philosophie, lettres, langues, pedagogie, sciences economiques. Editeur de revues en histoire et geographie.

Publisher profile: Armand Colin Editeur
List of other French language publishers in France

494 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies

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