Editrice II Castoro was founded in 1993 and focuses on cinema and children's books. Our catalogue counts more than 400 titles.
Publisher profile: Editrice II Castoro S.R.L
Societa' Apostolato San Paolo spans from spirituality, bible, theology, liturgy and philosophy, media and cultural studies, psychology, sociology, family, children and youth through comics, magazines and multimedia products.
Publisher profile: Societa' Apostolato San Paolo Srl
Publisher of textbooks on literature, arts, classics, history, philosophy, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, science, earth science, economics, foreign languages.
Publisher profile: Casa Editrice G. Principato Spa
LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
Since 1987 Carthusia Edizioni has been designing and publishing educational and informational children's books on topical issues that directly affect them: health, protecting environment, game, food, natural resources, Europe: everything they need to know about the modern world.
Publisher profile: Carthusia Edizioni
Founded in 2004, it is a publishing house of contemporary and young literary fiction from all over the world. Its non-fiction includes pop culture, politics, sociology and philosophy.
Publisher profile: ISBN Edizioni
Publisher of fiction modern classics, trade non-fiction in philosophy, history, social sciences, travel, popular science, illustrated books, both in hardback and paperback.
Publisher profile: il Saggiatore
Publisher of foreign and Italian fiction and historical novels. The non-fiction titles cover politics, current events, history, social sciences and cultural studies.
Publisher profile: Marco Tropea Editore
Il Giornalino is one of Italy's most populr weekly magazines for children aged 8 to 13. Draw on the idea that learning can be fun using comics strips and creativity.
Publisher profile: Il Giornalino Periodici San Paolo s.r.l
High-quality illustrated books for young children in a variety of novelty formats as well as characters for worldwide licensing and development.
Publisher profile: Dami International