Nuages is a publisher specialised in illustration. The most important collections are: illustrated classics carnet de voyage - "Piccolo Principe" (for children).
Publisher profile: Edizioni Nuages
Foreign and Italian fiction, literary fiction, essays, poetry, literary criticism.
Publisher profile: Ugo Guanda Editore S.p.A.
Publisher of travel guides, road atlases and maps, geography. Large format picture books and magazines. Non-fiction travel literature.
Publisher profile: Touring Club Italiano
Italian Paths of Culture (IPOC) Press publishes and promotes books by prominent Italian and Italian-American authors. IPOC, which selects authors and titles that enable readers to understand, evaluate and improve their world, works exclusively with authors who are experts in their fields. IPOC, w...
Publisher profile: Italian Paths of Culture
Italian and foreign fiction and essays, books of sport, satire, cinema, music, photography, how-to books and dictionaries.
Publisher profile: Baldini Castoldi Dalai Editore Spa
Founded in october 1995 Simonelli Editore from the beginning looked at the digital future of the publishing industry.
Publisher profile: Simonelli Editore srl
art, design, photography, exhibition catalogues, fashion, architecture, novels, fictions, essays, ebooks,
Publisher profile: 24 Ore Cultura srl
Publishing company specialized in medical-scientific publications: university textbooks, professional titles and journals. Main sectors: human anatomy, human and general physiology, histology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, hematology.
Publisher profile: EDI.ERMES s.r.l.
Edizioni L'Archivolto was born in 1986 as a publisher specialized in architecture, design, landscape gardening, urban city planning and Italian local history. L'Archivolto also contains a bookshop and a gallery with the same specializations.
Publisher profile: Edizioni L'Archivolto
Human and social sciences, philosophy, history, prehistory, paleonthology, archaeology, anthropology, religions, Christian culture, ecology, politics, economics, current affairs, middle ages, mediterranean studies. Illustrated books on art, architecture, civilizations. Children-young adults, gene...
Publisher profile: Editoriale Jaca Book