Italian Language Publishers of Italy

Listing 61 to 70 of 227 Italian publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 7 of 23 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Italian Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all italian language publishers. Remove 'Italian' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Editoriale Scienza Srl

Trieste, Italy

Publisher specialised in non-fiction and game-books.

Publisher profile: Editoriale Scienza Srl


Ravenna, Italy

Fernandel is a publisher of literary fiction that began publishing in 1997. As publishers we give equal attention to plot and to writing technique. Through our books we try to establish an informal relationship with our readers; we prefer stories that tell of the times we liveand that keep a crit...

Publisher profile: Fernandel

Casa Editrice Ambrosiana C.E.A.

Milano, Italy

Publishing house specialized in medicine, nursing, veterinary medicine, complementary medicine, biology, sciences, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, psychology, architecture.

Publisher profile: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana C.E.A.

Bibliotheca Culinaria S.r.l.

Lodi, Italy

Bibliotheca Culinaria is Italy's premiere specialized publisher of illustrated books on food and wine. Established in 1990 with the aim of giving a voice to the country's professional chefs, it has won 17 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

Publisher profile: Bibliotheca Culinaria S.r.l.

Guerra Edizioni

Perugia, Italy

Specialized in the production of books and didactical material (CD-ROM's, audio and video cassettes) for learning Italian as a foreign language, from beginner to advanced level, for children and adults.

Publisher profile: Guerra Edizioni

Ponte alle Grazie s.r.l.

Milano, Italy

Literary fiction, travel books, essays, politics, economics, psychology, human sciences.

Publisher profile: Ponte alle Grazie s.r.l.

Vita e Pensiero-Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica

Milano, Italy

Scientific, university, cultural, religious essays, textbooks, magazines.

Publisher profile: Vita e Pensiero-Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica

Edizioni EL - Emme Edizioni - Einaudi Ragazzi


Riteniamo giusto essere orgogliosi del nostro passato, di una storia editoriale che parte dalla metà dell’Ottocento e affonda le sue radici nell’arte dell’innovazione tipografica e nella cura del prodotto editoriale. La storia delle Edizioni EL, oggi la piú importante casa editrice italiana speci...

Publisher profile: Edizioni EL - Emme Edizioni - Einaudi Ragazzi

Longanesi & C. S.p.A.

Milano, Italy

Italian and foreign fiction, essays, archaeology, miscellaneous, art books, quality trade edition in modern culture field.

Publisher profile: Longanesi & C. S.p.A.

Bollati Boringhieri Editore srl

Torino, Italy

Social and human sciences, history, economics, anthropology Scientific books in philosophy, mathematics, biology, physics, computer science. Complete works of S. Freud and C.G. Jung. Literary fiction.

Publisher profile: Bollati Boringhieri Editore srl

227 publishers in the the directory of italian langauge publishing companies of Italy
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