Italian Language Publishers of Italy

Listing 221 to 227 of 227 Italian publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 23 of 23 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Italian Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all italian language publishers. Remove 'Italian' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Edizioni Frassinelli

Milano, Italy

Italian and foreign fiction, general nonfiction, essays, autobiographies.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Frassinelli

Edizioni Gribaudo Srl.

Milano, Italy

Illustrated books on architecture, decoration design and lifestyle, sports, food, arts and crafts.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Gribaudo Srl.


Mantova, Italy

Italian and International writers.

Publisher profile: Festivaletteratura

Tyrus edizioni

Arrone, Italy

Saggistica, arte, storia locale.

Publisher profile: Tyrus edizioni


Padova, Italy

Religious electronic books and reference titles: CD-ROM and Computer Bibles. Official documents of the Holy See, Patriotic commentary of the Bible, multimedia production.

Publisher profile: Unitelm

VoLo Publisher srl

Firenze, Italy

Packagers of high quality illustrated books for children and adults for the international market.

Publisher profile: VoLo Publisher srl

Unicef - Comitato Italiano Per L'Unicef Onlus

Roma, Italy

The editorial production is one of the main activity of advocacy to promote the children rights in Italy. The Italian commetee produces information material, studies and research, educational books, stories about childhood.

Publisher profile: Unicef - Comitato Italiano Per L'Unicef Onlus

227 publishers in the the directory of italian langauge publishing companies of Italy
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