High quality commercial novels, science fiction, fantasy, unusual thrillers.
Publisher profile: Casa Editrice Nord surl
Established in 1993, Castelvecchi is a non-fiction publisher. Well known for its provocative publications on new trends, youth culture, non-conventional wisdom, and also cyberculture, international politics, philosophy and anthropology.
Publisher profile: Castelvecchi
Essays on social issues, peace, environment, human rights, south-north conflict, drugs addiction, aids. Children's books on peace education. Illustrated and photography books.
Publisher profile: EGA Editore
Publishing house founded in 1996, producing archaeological and cultural guide books, tourist maps, and nature and diving guides about Egypt, the Western Desert, the Oases and the Red Sea.
Publisher profile: Geodia Edizioni
The Gruppo Editoriale Castel Negrino, born in the January 2006, publishes, under various marks, scientific books on animals and nature, anastatic reprints and philosophical, magic and esoteric texts.
Publisher profile: Gruppo Editoriale Castel Negrino
HDH Communications represents the exclusive, official and most comprehensive catalogue of programs of the Vatican Television Center worldwide and boasts an important collection of multi-language DVDs of religious titles targeting the Catholic audience.
Publisher profile: HDH Communications srl
Publishers of Children's books, colourful books, easy readers, books on ancient civilization and archaeology.
Publisher profile: L.E.G.O. S.p.A.
Publisher of high-quality illustrated books on art, architecture, travel, nature, archaeology, realization and devise of editorial projects in copublishing, photographic archive.
Publisher profile: Whitelight
Creator and producer of picture books, novelty books and pop-up books for children.
Publisher profile: Superpaper Books