Italian Language Publishers of Italy

Listing 111 to 120 of 227 Italian publishers listed in the Italian publishers directories

Page 12 of 23 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Italy that are listed under 'Italian Publishers. Remove 'Italy' filter to see all italian language publishers. Remove 'Italian' filter to see the list of all Italian publishers

Societa' Apostolato San Paolo Srl

Milano, Italy

Societa' Apostolato San Paolo spans from spirituality, bible, theology, liturgy and philosophy, media and cultural studies, psychology, sociology, family, children and youth through comics, magazines and multimedia products.

Publisher profile: Societa' Apostolato San Paolo Srl

Centro Scientifico Editore

Torino, Italy

Scientific publisher. Main fields: medicine (all subspecialities), psychology and social sciences, also electronical and multimedia publishing. Involved in the Italian CME programs, for distance and e-learning.

Publisher profile: Centro Scientifico Editore

Edizioni Clandestine srl

Marina di Massa, Italy

After seven years from its constitution, Edizioni Clandestine will introduce a change. From 2007 even preserving the series of novels, essays and highlander, it will become a landmark for real stories: Political and social battles, important life witnesses.

Publisher profile: Edizioni Clandestine srl

Casa Editrice G. Principato Spa

Milano, Italy

Publisher of textbooks on literature, arts, classics, history, philosophy, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, science, earth science, economics, foreign languages.

Publisher profile: Casa Editrice G. Principato Spa


Milano, Italy

LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.

Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing

Athesia Buchverlag

Bozen, Italy

Südtirols größtes Verlagshaus präsentiert: Südtirol-Literatur, Kunst-und Bildbände, Alpines, Natur-und Wan-derführer, Kulinarik, Militaria 1915-1918, Kalender, Gesetzestexte. Über 600 lieferbare Bücher-vielfach zwei-sprachig deutsch-italienisch.

Publisher profile: Athesia Buchverlag

Carthusia Edizioni

Milano, Italy

Since 1987 Carthusia Edizioni has been designing and publishing educational and informational children's books on topical issues that directly affect them: health, protecting environment, game, food, natural resources, Europe: everything they need to know about the modern world.

Publisher profile: Carthusia Edizioni

C.U.E.C. Editrice

Cagliari, Italy

The CUEC has been involved for the past 30 years in the publication of works that promote scientific, literary and cultural activities in Sardinia, particularly those with an international emphasis.

Publisher profile: C.U.E.C. Editrice

ISBN Edizioni

Milano, Italy

Founded in 2004, it is a publishing house of contemporary and young literary fiction from all over the world. Its non-fiction includes pop culture, politics, sociology and philosophy.

Publisher profile: ISBN Edizioni

il Saggiatore

Milano, Italy

Publisher of fiction modern classics, trade non-fiction in philosophy, history, social sciences, travel, popular science, illustrated books, both in hardback and paperback.

Publisher profile: il Saggiatore

227 publishers in the the directory of italian langauge publishing companies of Italy
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