Publishing Services Companies of Hungary

Listing 1 to 10 of 14 Hungarian Publishing Service Companies

Page 1 of 2 of all the publishing services companies listed in the Hungarian directory of services

Alföldj Druckerej AG

Debrecen, Hungary

The Alföldi Printing House has been present at foreign markets for four decades. Today, fifth of the production is sold to other countries. In the recent years, we have regularly participated at the national and the most significant foreign book fairs.

Profile of: Alföldj Druckerej AG, Debrecen, Hungary


Budapest, Hungary

Interpress has mediated Hungarian printing industry services to foreign and Hungarian customers for more than two decades. We are not restricted to our own machine pool, so that we are able to provide the complete range of the best technologies. Owing to our many years’ experience in the printing in

Profile of: Interpress, Budapest, Hungary

Kátai & Bolza Literary Agents

Budapest, Hungary

Founded in 1995 by Katalin Kátai and Péter Bolza, Kátai & Bolza Literary Agents is Hungary’s most prominent independent agency, selling translation rights on behalf of many prestigious publishers and literary agencies from North America, the UK, Australia, Europe and Israel.

Profile of: Kátai & Bolza Literary Agents, Budapest, Hungary

Mozaik Education Ltd.

Szeged, Hungary

Mozaik Education, an educational software and content developer company with 30 years’ experience, is providing interactive content for all subjects in K-12 (3Ds, videos, edu apps and games) and an authoring platform for both publishers and schools.

Profile of: Mozaik Education Ltd., Szeged, Hungary

Szarvas András Cartographic Agency

Budapest, Hungary

Maps of Hungary, Budapest, Romania. Export and import of maps and cartographic services. 25 years experience in East-West cooperation. Selling rights: Europe, World political, Romania.

Profile of: Szarvas András Cartographic Agency, Budapest, Hungary

Reálszisztéma Dabas Printing House Ltd

Dabas, Hungary

Your full service high-tech partner: prepress-ctp / ctf / coventional; conventional and UV sheet fed offset 1-8 colours; web offset 1-2 colours; complex binding service-hardcover/softcover/calendars/brochures; finishing and logistics.

Profile of: Reálszisztéma Dabas Printing House Ltd, Dabas, Hungary

Mapping Co. Ministry of Defence HM Térképészeti Kht.

Budapest, Hungary

Topographic maps of Hungary, maps of Budapest, ortophoto maps, road maps of Hungary and Budapest, thematic maps, plastic relief maps, full range of printing technology.

Profile of: Mapping Co. Ministry of Defence HM Térképészeti Kht., Budapest, Hungary

Ideatéka Ltd. - e-book production service

Budapest, Hungary

E-book production service. High-quality InDesign to ePUB conversion from EUR 120 euro/book. Ready for submission to iBookstore and other e-book retailers.

Profile of: Ideatéka Ltd. - e-book production service, Budapest, Hungary

Schöck Bt.

Szeksárd, Hungary

Dienstleistungen für die Verlage vom Satz bis zur Ablieferung der fertigen Bücher. Unser Hauptprofil: Romane, Märchenbücher, Lexika, Bilderbücher.

Profile of: Schöck Bt., Szeksárd, Hungary

Hungarian Book Foundation Translation Fund

Budapest, Hungary

Subventions for translations from Hungarian. Literary information centre.

Profile of: Hungarian Book Foundation Translation Fund, Budapest, Hungary

14 publishing companies in the directory of Hungarian suppliers

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