Pre-press Companies of Hungary

Listing all 2 Hungarian pre-press companies

Page 1 of 1 of all the Hungarian companies offering pre press services to publishers and printers listed in the directory of pre-press companies of Hungary. Remove the country filter to see the list of all companies offering pre press services to publishers and printers

Reálszisztéma Dabas Printing House Ltd

Dabas, Hungary

Your full service high-tech partner: prepress-ctp / ctf / coventional; conventional and UV sheet fed offset 1-8 colours; web offset 1-2 colours; complex binding service-hardcover/softcover/calendars/brochures; finishing and logistics.

Profile of: Reálszisztéma Dabas Printing House Ltd, Dabas, Hungary
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ElektroPress Studio

Budapest, Hungary

ElektroPress Ltd. was estabilished in 2007 by Hungarian desktop publishers for providing cheap & high quality digital pre-press services. The name "ElektroPress" covers a flexible network of high-qualified experts - typographers, graphic designers, desktop publishers. Some of us are freelancers, ...

Profile of: ElektroPress Studio, Budapest, Hungary
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2 suppliers listed under 'Pre-press companies of Hungary'
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