Book Publishers of Germany

Listing 71 to 80 of 100 Book publishers listed in the German publishers directories

Page 8 of 10 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Germany that are listed under 'Book Publishers. Remove 'Germany' filter to see all book publishers. Remove 'Book' filter to see the list of all German publishers

Juergen Hoeritzsch

Chemnitz, Germany

Printmaking and Book Artist

Publisher profile: Juergen Hoeritzsch

Chr. Belser AG für Verlagsgeschäfte & Co. KG

Stuttgart, Germany

Das Programm gliedert sich in zwei Schwerpunktbereiche. Im Bereich Kunst erscheinen Ausstellungskataloge zu aktuellen Ausstellungen, Reihen und Monographien. Der Bereich Kulturgeschichte umfasst Referenzbände zu bestimmten Themen sowie Bildbände.

Publisher profile: Chr. Belser AG für Verlagsgeschäfte & Co. KG

R. Koeppe Publisher

Cologne, Germany

African Languages, Ethnography / Cultural Anthropology / African History. Grammars, Dictionaries and Collected Papers on major African Languages and the endangered Languages of Africa. African Oral Literatures (history, tales and proverbs) and their Analyses.

Publisher profile: R. Koeppe Publisher

Jürgen-Hartmut Wehmer

Langenhagen, Germany

Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.

Publisher profile: Jürgen-Hartmut Wehmer

Giovanni Grippo Verlag

Oberursel, Germany

Our topics are: Kabbalah, Alchemy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucian and surrounding topics!

Publisher profile: Giovanni Grippo Verlag

The Wittmann Agency


The Wittmann Agency is an independent premier full-service international licensing & rights agency. Extraordinary books deserve exceptional support!

Publisher profile: The Wittmann Agency

Tenea Verlag Ltd. ZN Deutschland

Berlin, Germany

Wissenschaft, Sachbuch, Belletristik, Lyrik, Hochschulschriften (Dissertationen).

Publisher profile: Tenea Verlag Ltd. ZN Deutschland

Gloor Verlag

Munich, Germany

ambitioned publisher for sports-beginnerbooks Golf, Karate, soccer, judo, Comics Manga meets Classics: The magic flute, Faust, musikbooks-Reihe: Manga meets Classics

Publisher profile: Gloor Verlag

Dr. Regine Dehnel

Berlin, Germany

Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.

Publisher profile: Dr. Regine Dehnel

DOBU Verlag

Hamburg, Germany

DOBU publications ("Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Dokumentation & Buch") publishes scientific books, such as monografies, doctorate theses, habilitations and conference papers in different languages.

Publisher profile: DOBU Verlag

100 publishers in the the directory of book publishing companies of Germany
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