Book Publishers of Germany

Listing 1 to 10 of 100 Book publishers listed in the German publishers directories

Page 1 of 10 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Germany that are listed under 'Book Publishers. Remove 'Germany' filter to see all book publishers. Remove 'Book' filter to see the list of all German publishers

Taschen Books

Köln, Germany

TASCHEN, the world's leading publisher of fine art books, offers books ranging from compact pocket guides to sumptous collector's editions, covering the subjects of art, architecture, design, digital, fashion, film, interiors, photography, sex and travel.

Publisher profile: Taschen Books

DOM publishers

Berlin, Germany

Our extensive publishing programme combines both of our passions: architecture and designing high-quality books. Experienced editors, creative graphic designers, and architects work at the interface of theory and practice under one roof in the Friedrichswerder area in Berlin.

Publisher profile: DOM publishers

Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

Berlin, Germany

Design, Interior Design, Art, Architecture, Illustration

Publisher profile: Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

teNeues Publishing House

Augsburg, Germany

The teNeues Verlag, which was founded in 1931 by Dr. Heinz teNeues, founded in Krefeld, has been part of the Weltbild Group based in Augsburg since autumn 2020. Its sole shareholder is the family business Droege Group, an internationally active consulting and investment company based in Düsseldorf.

Publisher profile: teNeues Publishing House


Bonn, Germany

Als Stiftung der Sozialen Demokratie publiziert die FES Bücher, Zeitschriften, Gutachten, Analysen und Einzelstudien zu nationalen und internationalen Problemen der Politik, Gesellschaft, Geschichte, Kultur, Ökologie, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Medien.

Publisher profile: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Magink Publishing House

Berlin, Germany

Magink Publishing House is a multinational independent publishing company based in Germany. We publish children's picture books for kids from baby to teenager. Magink children's picture books are available around the world, both in German and in the English language.

Publisher profile: Magink Publishing House

NOVO Argumente Verlag GmbH

Frankfurt, Germany

Argumente für den Fortschritt / Debattenmagazin

Publisher profile: NOVO Argumente Verlag GmbH

O'Reilly Verlag GmbH


Subsidiary company of O'Reilly Media Inc, one of the world's leading computer and technical book publishers

Publisher profile: O'Reilly Verlag GmbH

Dino Fino GmbH

Marl, Germany

Dino Fino Verlag from Germany publishes a total of three book series for children of all ages. Our goal is nothing less than the whole world: we are looking for international publishers. All our stories are set in Dinoville, where our dinosaur children live and experience exiting adventures.

Publisher profile: Dino Fino GmbH

Kosmos Verlag

Stuttgart, Germany

Publisher profile: Kosmos Verlag

100 publishers in the the directory of book publishing companies of Germany
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