ist das Internet-Portal für den Download von Hörbüchern, Audioversionen von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften und weiteren gesprochenen Inhalten.
Publisher profile: Audible GmbH
Dino Fino Verlag from Germany publishes a total of three book series for children of all ages. Our goal is nothing less than the whole world: we are looking for international publishers. All our stories are set in Dinoville, where our dinosaur children live and experience exiting adventures.
Publisher profile: Dino Fino GmbH
Verlag Antje Kunstmann is an independent publishing house founded in 1976 publishing international fiction and non-fiction as well as audio-books, illustrated and gift-books.
Publisher profile: Verlag Antje Kunstmann
Tessloff is a leading non-fiction children book publisher. The well known and successful brand WAS IST WAS includes the book series with 124 volumes, quiz pads, knowledge quizzes, a TV-series with 26 episodes, DVDs and audio books - so it is a world of knowledge for 6-14 year olds. Besides we are...
Publisher profile: Tessloff Verlag
Audiobuch gehört zu den wichtigsten Hörbuchverlagen Deutschlands. Sprecher wie Christian Brückner garantieren höchste Qualität.
Publisher profile: Audiobuch Verlag OHG
tacheles! - the audio-book label of the ROOF Music GmbH was founded 1999. It releases audio-books and albums out of the categories fiction, specialised book and cabaret. Exclusive speakers are Götz Alsmann, Konrad Beikircher, Hape Kerkeling and Helge Schneider for example.
Publisher profile: tacheles! / ROOF Music GmbH
The Wittmann Agency is an independent premier full-service international licensing & rights agency. Extraordinary books deserve exceptional support!
Publisher profile: The Wittmann Agency
Agentur für Kulturmarketing und Vermittlung von Events und kulturellen Veranstaltungen, für Literatur, Kunst und Musik. Audio Books.
Publisher profile: Pendragon Connect