Book Publishers of Germany

Listing 51 to 60 of 100 Book publishers listed in the German publishers directories

Page 6 of 10 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Germany that are listed under 'Book Publishers. Remove 'Germany' filter to see all book publishers. Remove 'Book' filter to see the list of all German publishers

Pforzheim, Germany

Fiction eBook with multimedia Content

Publisher profile:

Storia Verlag OHG

Munich, Germany

Der Storia Verlag macht sinnliche Bücher für davor, danach und mittendrin: Belletristik aus dem vollen Leben, Erotika mit Niveau, Ratgeber zu Genießerthemen und Fotobände von Nature bis Nude.

Publisher profile: Storia Verlag OHG

Pahl-Rugensein Verlag Nachfolger GmbH

Bonn, Germany

Our main items: marxist theory, political economy, dialectical philosospy, history of workers, grass roots and national liberation movements, feminist theory, theology of liberation.

Publisher profile: Pahl-Rugensein Verlag Nachfolger GmbH

Berlin University Press

Köln, Germany

Humanities, Cultural Sciences

Publisher profile: Berlin University Press

Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung

Munich, Germany

Wir publizieren für Forschung, Lehre und berufliche Praxis: Geistes-und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Medien und Kultur. Dissertationen, Habilitationen, Berichte, Editionen, Fach-und Lehrbücher.

Publisher profile: Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung

Butter & Cream Verlagsgesellschaft Ltd.

Berlin, Germany

The Butter & Cream Verlagsgesellschaft Ltd. was founded in 2006 and is settled in Berlin.The cow in the company logo stands for the request of the publishing house to scoop the best of the cow, meaning butter and cream, from the world of the Manga and children's books for the reader. So durable q...

Publisher profile: Butter & Cream Verlagsgesellschaft Ltd.

Shashika Fernando ulme-mini-verlag

Giessen, Germany

Publishing company for academic books in the field of Cultural Studies and for Fiction, both including multimedia content on a CD-ROM (games, puzzles, infotainment).

Publisher profile: Shashika Fernando ulme-mini-verlag

Edition Ehrt

Kleinmachnow, Germany

Since 1993 in the Ehrt edition original graphic books, books which are unique and artistic collections have been edited. Often Ehrt`s graphical works have a narrative character reflecting literature and history – that is the reason why a special relation to the book of the artist is established. ...

Publisher profile: Edition Ehrt

Pro Universitate Verlag (PUV)

Berlin, Germany

Recht, Wirtschaft, Geschichte, Politik, Europa.

Publisher profile: Pro Universitate Verlag (PUV)

100 publishers in the the directory of book publishing companies of Germany
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