Novelisations, fiction series, classic literature, young adult literature.
Publisher profile: Hachette Jeunesse/Children'S Fiction And Young Adult Literature
Commercial fiction, literary fiction, non-fiction, self-help, memoris, politics, biographies, current events, sprituality, poetry.
Publisher profile: Editions Robert Laffont-Seghers-Julliard-Nil Editions
Depuis plus de 60 ans, Fleurus publie des ouvrages grand public à destination des familles. Éveiller les petits, découvrir et comprendre le monde, créer et rêver, tels sont les promesses des éditions Fleurus. Des livres pour tous et pour tous les jours !
Publisher profile: Fleurus Editions
Our main goal: to promote literature, all at once modern, lively, and receptive to the world and its constant evolutions. A literature of fusion, developing thanks to the diversity of today's influences; a literature free of academic ties, influenced by pop-culture, spoken languages and worldwide...
Publisher profile: Au Diable Vauvert
Juvenile fiction tailor-made for adolescents with books that speak their language. For age 11 to young adulthood, Plon Jeunesse publishes novels that mirror teenage interests, with heroes they can identify with, as well as non-fiction titles that deal frankly with their questions - serious and fu...
Publisher profile: Plon Jeunesse
Documents d'actualité, essais, biographies, bien-être et religion. Fiction commerciale (dont romans historiques, thrillers) et fiction littéraire, littérature étrangère, jeunesse.
Publisher profile: Plon
South-Pacific based publishing company. Regional interest. Novels, short stories, children's books, sports.
Publisher profile: Au Vent des Iles
French and foreign fiction and non-fiction. Literary fiction, historical fiction, commercial fiction, and thrillers. Popular science, history and psychology; health, essays and current affairs.
Publisher profile: Editions Jean-Claude Lattès