Publishing Services Companies in Vanves, France

Listing all 2 French companies providing publishing services in Vanves, Frances

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Hachette Livre International

Vanves, France

Hachette Livre International a pour mission la diffusion à l'étranger, DOM TOM inclus, des catalogues des éditeurs du groupe Hachette Livre et dispose de deux structures éditionales, Hatier International et Edicef, acteurs majeurs du marché de l'éditions scolaire en Afrique francophone.

Profile of: Hachette Livre International, Vanves, France
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Hazan (Hachette Illustré)

Vanves, France

Publisher renowned for its high quality art, architecture, design and photography books, as well as exhibition catalogues in several languages. A division of Hachette Illustré.

Profile of: Hazan (Hachette Illustré), Vanves, France
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2 publishing companies in the directory of publishing services suppliers in Vanves, France
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