Publishing Companies of France

Listing 101 to 110 of 243 French Publishing Houses

Page 11 of 25 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the French Publishers Directory

P.O.L. Editeur

Paris, France

Littérature contemporaine: romans, poésie, essais. Revue: Trafic. Livres pour enfants: Petit Pol.

Publisher profile: P.O.L. Editeur


Nîmes, France

Through fiction and non-fiction authors and illustrators from the whole Europe and Africa tell and reveal the world in its beauty and its difficulties: the world is a village and Europe a house with many flats.

Publisher profile: Grandir

Balivernes Editions

Francheville, France

Children books for the 21st century.We are aiming to develop the imagination of children with books made really for them. We put the emphasis on humor, dreams and imaginary stories and graphic styles

Publisher profile: Balivernes Editions

Presses de Sciences Po

Paris, France

Ouvrages et revues de science politique, histoire, économie, développement durable, santé.

Publisher profile: Presses de Sciences Po

Editions Calmann-Lévy

Paris, France

Imprint: Editions 1. Littérature générale, romans français et étrangers, essais: sociologie, histoire, économie, politique, actualité, psychologie, psychanalyse, documents, livres pratiques, mémoires, humour, sport, cinéma, albums.

Publisher profile: Editions Calmann-Lévy

Council of Europe Publishing Editions du Conseil de l'Europe

Strasbourg, France

Intergovernmental activities in the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Publications in the fields of: law, human rights, health, political sciences, social issues, culture.

Publisher profile: Council of Europe Publishing Editions du Conseil de l'Europe

Crowdbooks Publishing

Paris, France

Crowdbooks marries the power of crowd-funding with a passionate community of artists to create a revolutionary new platform for Photo/ Art books. This model will merge talented photo artists and passionate supporters of the arts with a quality-focused independent publisher. The innovative concept...

Publisher profile: Crowdbooks Publishing

Editions 1

Paris, France

Littérature Générale: Romans historiques, thrillers, suspense, policiers, récits romanesques, biographies, livres de sagesse. Essais et Documents: Société, politique, histoire. Practique: Santé, beauté, forme.

Publisher profile: Editions 1

Galaade Editions

Paris, France

Since its foundation in 2005, Galaade Editions has published fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Galaade Editions

Editions Palette

Paris, France

Publisher profile: Editions Palette

243 publishing companies in the directory of French publishers

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