Faith-Inspired Books, a division of LWL PUBLISHING HOUSE is a Canadian-based company offering professional book publishing services and author coaching. With 11 years of experience and 693 clients worldwide, we help individuals produce Christian publications for the global marketplace.
Publisher profile: LWL PUBLISHING HOUSE
We publish the stories behind the news. Stories that awe, inspire, enlighten, and challenge, that show how to transform our relationships, health, finances, or businesses, that prompt us to re-think what's possible. We publish stories that have the power to change what becomes news tomorrow.
Publisher profile: Ingenium Books Publishing Inc.
The Stygian Society creates striking, beautifully bound books and champions unique fiction. We focus on providing authors with personal attention, fair royalties, and transparency. Our mission is to foster creativity, nurture talent, and leave a lasting mark on the publishing world.
Publisher profile: The Stygian Society
We are an independent publishing house, publishing fiction in multiple genres featuring shocking twists and turns throughout, keeping the reader on edge. Currently, we are open to submissions. We are very selective and only sign on a few authors per year.
Publisher profile: Wicked Ink Publishing Ltd.
Publishers of high-quality picture books, fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults.
Publisher profile: Groundwood Books
QA International is a leading publisher and packager of visually innovative reference books and multimedia products. Recognized for its outstanding design, eye-catching illustrations and solid content.
Publisher profile: QA International
Anteism is a Canadian art book publisher producing unique visual artist books, zines, monographs, prints & handmade editions. Anteism books showcase new and emerging Canadian artists and permanently archive these up and coming artists whose work deserves a larger audience.
Publisher profile: Anteism
Canadian-owned publisher of children's picture books and middle grade fiction as well as adult non-fiction titles. F&W also has an educational division publishing textbooks and related educational titles.
Publisher profile: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Publishers is an eco-friendly, trusted ePublisher and a convenient, cost effective eStore where you can buy quality eBook guides for life's experiences. We publish eBooks that cover a variety of topics such as 'how-to' guides, inspirational works, poetry, memoirs and nove...
Publisher profile:
Quest Publishing produces non-fiction self-help memoirs on personal growth through travel by marriage and family therapist, Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem M.Ed. Book and eBook formats are available. Chapters can be read on the company website along with reviews and readers comments.
Publisher profile: Quest Publishing