Crabtree Publishing Company is dedicated to producing high-quality books and educational products for K-9+. Each resource blends accuracy, immediacy, and eye-catching illustration with the goal of inspiring nothing less than a life-long interest in reading and learning in children. The company began building its reputation in 1978 as a quality children's non-fiction book publisher with acclaimed author Bobbie Kalman’s first series about the early pioneers. The Early Settler Life Series became a mainstay in schools as well as historic sites and museums across North America.
For over 44 years Crabtree Publishing and Bobbie Kalman have expanded into, and become well-known for, beautifully illustrated books and educational resources on many more curriculum subjects including animals, countries, life and physical sciences, geography, and biographies. Colorful and entertaining fiction has also become a strong part of Crabtree’s product line for young readers.
Crabtree's product line includes nine imprints which focus on Early Reading, Picture Books, Chapter Books, Phonics and High Interest topics: Crabtree Roots, Crabtree Roots Plus, Crabtree Seedlings, Blossoms Beginning Readers, Sunshine Picture Books, Little Honey Books, Leaves Chapter Books, Crabtree Branches, and Crabtree Crown.
These product lines are published in Hardcover, Paperback, ebook, and Read-along ebook formats as well as multiple Languages (Spanish, French and select titles in Haitian-Creole).
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Crabtree Books publishes E-Books, Books, and Audio Books on these subjects: Technology, Sports, Society, Social Sciences, Science, Poetry, Picture Books, and Pets in these languages: Spanish, French, and English
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616, Welland AvenueL2M 5V6 St. Catharines, ONSt. CatharinesCanada
Phone number(s): + 1 905 6825221
Crabtree Books, St. Catharines, Canada is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
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By subject: Technology publishers in Canada, Sports publishers in Canada, Society publishers in Canada, and Social Sciences publishers in Canada
By media: E-Book publishers in Canada, Book publishers in Canada, and Audio Book publishers in Canada
By language: Spanish language publishers of Canada, French language publishers of Canada, and English language publishers of Canada
By city: St. Catharines
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