Publisher of non-fiction books, specializing in foreign language & culture, religion, and memoirs.
Publisher profile: MSI Press
Publisher and packager of high quality illustrated books. We have world rights, film available, and will be selling English and foreign language co-editions. Rights and distribution inquiries are welcome.
Publisher profile: JG Press
Publishes and distributes performing arts books. Plays, musicals, theatre, cinema, clowning, costumes, puppets, masks, dance, etc. Represents publishers for distribution and/or foreign language rights. Develops, buys, and/or sells co-editions.
Publisher profile: Players Press Inc.
The Fil-Am Voice is Maui's only Filipino newspaper with a print edition and an online presence.
Publisher profile: Fil-Am Voice
Publishers of books about Iran in English and Persian since 1979. Site features book list and ordering instructions.
Publisher profile: Ibex Publishers
Publisher of language books, consumer guides, and educational learning materials (print copy, Audio (Mp3) & Audio CD-ROM's. New release: 7 Weeks to a Better American Accent for Native Mandarin Speakers - Volume 1
Publisher profile: Sovereign Language Press
Aojirouma Publishing is a small company that accepts two to three new authors a year. We keep our catalogue small in order to dedicate an equal amount of our resources to marketing and advertising our authors. Our primary goals are to represent every one of our authors to the fullest extent of ou...
Publisher profile: Aojirouma Publishing