Business Expert Press is a publishing company focused on providing complementary titles within specific business disciplines and across topics of interest. The books are applied, concise and intended for upper-level business students as well as men and women in the business field.
Publisher profile: Business Expert Press
HRD Press is a leading provider of management books, training workshops, assessments, and human resource materials. We have over 500 titles and are seeking international partners for distribution and rights.
Publisher profile: HRD Press Inc
Cosimo is a specialty publisher for independent authors, not-for-profit organizations and innovative businesses, dedicated to publishing books that inspire, inform and engage readers around the world.
Publisher profile: Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.A.
journal-of-commercial-biotechnology_3d_200_206 The Journal of Commercial Biotechnology is a quarterly peer-reviewed professional journal which focuses on the commercial, legal, and regulatory issues affecting biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, agrochemical, and environmental companies.
Publisher profile: Journal of Commercial Biotechnology
Since 1985, Career Press has been publishing titles spanning careers, personal finance, business management, study skills, and leisure pursuits. Our second imprint, New Page Books, is also celebrating five years of publishing the best in new age, health, self-help and general non-fiction titles.
Publisher profile: Career Press Inc.
International business online directory
Publisher profile: Yellow Pages World Family
The premier guide book for business globetrotters. Slogan: All you need to know to do business and have fun.
Publisher profile: World Investment News Inc
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS) is a double blind peer-reviewed, quarterly, multidisciplinary international research journal.
Publisher profile: International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS)
Transforming eBook's into engaging audiobooks to reach an even larger audience, at an affordable price.
Publisher profile: eBook Voice