Art Publishers' Directory of United States

Listing 21 to 30 of 94 Art publishers listed in the American publishers directories

Page 3 of 10 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of United States that are listed under 'Art Publishers. Remove 'United States' filter to see all art publishers' directory. Remove 'Art' filter to see the list of all American publishers

Evan-Moor Educational Publishers (Helping Children Learn)

Monterey, United States

Materials for parents and teachers of children (ages 3-12), including ELT, reading, writing, math, science, social studies and arts and crafts. Over 450 titles with more than 50 new releases a year. Established in 1979.

Publisher profile: Evan-Moor Educational Publishers (Helping Children Learn)

Assouline Publishing

New York, United States

High quality illustrated books on fashion, photography, art and design. Books in French and in English-limited editions.

Publisher profile: Assouline Publishing

Inner Traditions, Bear & Company

Rochester, United States

Inner Traditions is a leading publisher of books on indigenous cultures, perennial philosophy, visionary art, spiritual traditions of the East and West, sexuality, holistic and healing, and self-development.

Publisher profile: Inner Traditions, Bear & Company

MIT Press

Cambridge, United States

The MIT Press publishes academic and scholarly books across a range of subject areas including art and architecture, economics and finance, philosophy, cognitive science, computer science, new media, environmental studies and neuroscience.

Publisher profile: MIT Press

Project Gutenberg

Salt Lake City, United States

Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously publis

Publisher profile: Project Gutenberg

McFarland & Company Inc.

Jefferson, United States

Publishers of academic and general titles in many subjects inc. medieval & ancient history, world history, military & civil aviation, art & performing arts.

Publisher profile: McFarland & Company Inc.

New Village Press

New York, United States

A nonprofit publisher in the humanities and social sciences, known for nonfiction books in sociology, community based arts and culture, urban issues, sustainable design, and participatory planning. Many New Village Press authors lead movements in social and environmental justice.

Publisher profile: New Village Press

Perfection Learning Corporation

Logan, United States

A leading publisher of teacher & student curriculum materials for grades pre-K through 12. Products cover such content areas as reading, test prep, vocabulary & writing: including an extensive line of hi/lo books for reluctant readers. Founded in 1926.

Publisher profile: Perfection Learning Corporation

Pennsylvania State University Press

University Park, United States

Publishes academic books and journals, especially art history, philosophy, literature, religion, and political science.

Publisher profile: Pennsylvania State University Press

Cheng & Tsui Company

Boston, United States

Cheng & Tsui, an independent publisher and distributor for nearly 30 years, specializes in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Southeast Asian language learning materials, and books about Asian art, history, literature, and culture for people of all ages.

Publisher profile: Cheng & Tsui Company

94 publishers in the the directory of art publishing companies of United States
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