Publishing Services Companies in New York, United States

Listing 101 to 110 of 115 American companies providing publishing services in New York, United States

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LJK Literary Management, LLC

New York, United States

LJK Literary is a full-service literary agency representing both fiction and non-fiction for the trade market.

Profile of: LJK Literary Management, LLC, New York, United States
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Mary Anne Thompson Associates

New York, United States

Book scouts.

Profile of: Mary Anne Thompson Associates, New York, United States
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McIntosh & Otis, Inc.

New York, United States

New York literary agency (est. 1928). Represents adult fiction and non-fiction, children/YA, and many literary estates. Agency handles subsidiary rights for Louisiana State University Press, University of Nebraska Press, Tin House Books, and others.

Profile of: McIntosh & Otis, Inc., New York, United States
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Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York, United States

Scholarly and general fine art publications related to The Metropolitan Museum of Art collection, including exhibition catalogs, children's books, gift books, educational craft kits, and calendars.

Profile of: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States
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North America Syndicate

New York, United States

Syndicated publishers and distributors of comic strips and characters including Crock, Marvin and Tumbleweeds.

Profile of: North America Syndicate, New York, United States
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Peter Lampack Agency, Inc.

New York, United States

Commercial and literary fiction. Non-fiction by recognized experts in given field, autobiography and biography, motion picture and TV rights from book properties, foreign rights for client list. Query first, no reading fees.

Profile of: Peter Lampack Agency, Inc., New York, United States
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Sterling Lord Literistic Inc, Literary Agency

New York, United States

Literary Agency.

Profile of: Sterling Lord Literistic Inc, Literary Agency, New York, United States
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Stewart, Tabori & Chang

New York, United States

Illustrated book publisher with a wide range of culinary, lifestyle, gardening and gift titles.

Profile of: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, New York, United States
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The Gernert Company

New York, United States

The Gernert Company is a full service literary agency based in New York. We represent a wide range of fiction and non-fiction writers including John Grisham, Peter Guralnick, Mary Kay Zuravlef. Stewart o'Nan.

Profile of: The Gernert Company, New York, United States
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The Karpfinger Agency

New York, United States

Adult fiction and non-fiction as well as some juvenile fiction.

Profile of: The Karpfinger Agency, New York, United States
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115 publishing companies in the directory of publishing services suppliers in New York, United States
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