Publishing Services Companies in New York, United States

Listing 91 to 100 of 115 American companies providing publishing services in New York, United States

Page 10 of 12 of all companies in New York, United States that provide services to publishers and authors. Remove 'New York' filter to see the list of all American publishing service providers

Donadio & Olson

New York, United States

Donadio & Olson is a full-service literary agency representing fiction and non-fiction titles.

Profile of: Donadio & Olson, New York, United States
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Empire Editions LLC

New York, United States

Empire Editions is a boutique fine art book publisher specializing in exceptionally produced illustrated books. Empire focuses in the areas of photography, fashion, architecture, design, music, the fine arts and lifestyle.

Profile of: Empire Editions LLC, New York, United States
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Foundry Literary + Media

New York, United States

Profile of: Foundry Literary + Media, New York, United States
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Franklin & Siegal Associates, Inc.

New York, United States

International literary scouting agency.

Profile of: Franklin & Siegal Associates, Inc., New York, United States
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InkWell Management LLC

New York, United States

InkWell Management was formed through the merger of Arthur Pine Associates, Inc., Carlisle & Company and Witherspoon Associates. The partners have a combined 65 years of experience representing best-selling authors worldwide.

Profile of: InkWell Management LLC, New York, United States
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Jane Rotrosen Agency, LLC

New York, United States

Literary Agency.

Profile of: Jane Rotrosen Agency, LLC, New York, United States
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Jane Starr Literary Scouts

New York, United States

U.S. Scout for Allen & Unwin. Australia; Bra Boecker, Sweden; Mculenhoff Bockerij Group, The Netherlands, Gyldendal, Norway; Japan Uni Agency, Japan; Editions Michel Lafon, France; Mir Knigi, Russia; Pendo Verlag, Germany.

Profile of: Jane Starr Literary Scouts, New York, United States
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Janklow & Nesbit Associates

New York, United States

Literary agency.

Profile of: Janklow & Nesbit Associates, New York, United States
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Jenny Meyer Literary Agency, Inc

New York, United States

Literary agency specializing in the sale of UK and translation rights.

Profile of: Jenny Meyer Literary Agency, Inc, New York, United States
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Jutta Klein Associates

New York, United States

Literary scouting agency for international publishers.

Profile of: Jutta Klein Associates, New York, United States
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115 publishing companies in the directory of publishing services suppliers in New York, United States
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