Publishing Companies of United Kingdom

Listing 831 to 840 of 909 British Publishing Houses

Page 84 of 91 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the British Publishers Directory

Bookmart Limited

Leicester, United Kingdom

Bookmart Ltd. sell a range of high quality illustrated reprints, one of the largest in the UK. Also available children's educational wallcharts and gift stationery. See also Bookmart Editions: publishes own range of quality illustrated titles child/adult. Rights available.

Publisher profile: Bookmart Limited

Brookemead Associates Ltd.

London, United Kingdom

Educational publishers. Specialists in motivational language teaching materials. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for world markets.

Publisher profile: Brookemead Associates Ltd.

Brown Watson

Kibworth Beauchamp, United Kingdom

Publishers of an extensive range of mass market children's books, including casebound books, board books, sticker books, educational activity books, bath books and pop-ups.

Publisher profile: Brown Watson

C.T. Freight (UK) Ltd

Stanwell, United Kingdom

C.T. Freight are a total logistic company dedicated to the publishing industry. Providing multi-assembly consolidations for airfreight and seafreight.

Publisher profile: C.T. Freight (UK) Ltd

Caterpillar Books

London, United Kingdom

High-quality novelty books for young children, including board books, popups, touch and feel, cloth books and moulded formats.

Publisher profile: Caterpillar Books

Caxton Publishing Group

London, United Kingdom

Publishers specializing in books for the promotional market on a wide range of subject, e.g. reference, military, childrens, art, history, mind, body, spirit. Also carries an extensive range of remainder titles.

Publisher profile: Caxton Publishing Group

Chaucer Press

London, United Kingdom

Chaucer Press is dedicated to publishing high quality books in the main categories-art, architecture, literature, history, and biography.

Publisher profile: Chaucer Press

Cico Books

London, United Kingdom

Cico Books publishes stylish, highly illustrated non-fiction for the worldwide co-edition market, specializing in interiors, design, craft, health, mind, body & spirit, pet care gift books and boxed sets.

Publisher profile: Cico Books

College of Law Publishing

Guildford, United Kingdom

Publisher of annual guides for both students and practitioners. The guides cover all the major legal areas and are both comprehensive and concise. Written by experts they form a complete legal library.

Publisher profile: College of Law Publishing

Compendium Publishing

London, United Kingdom

Compendium is an international publishing and packaging business specialising in trade, reference, educational and specialist books. We have a growing range of new product and we are seeking new language partners for coeditions.

Publisher profile: Compendium Publishing

909 publishing companies in the directory of British publishers

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