Book Publishers of United Kingdom

Listing 51 to 60 of 203 Book publishers listed in the British publishers directories

Page 6 of 21 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of United Kingdom that are listed under 'Book Publishers. Remove 'United Kingdom' filter to see all book publishers. Remove 'Book' filter to see the list of all British publishers

McGraw-Hill Education

Maidenhead, United Kingdom

Publishers and distributors of books for the professional, academic and schools markets. Subject range includes computing, business, management and economics, engineering, social sciences and sciences together with a wide range of electronic products.

Publisher profile: McGraw-Hill Education

Cambridge Scientific Publishers Ltd

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge Scientific Publishers is a small independent publisher and publishing imprint specialising in mathematics, physics, astronomy and astrophysics and also Central Asian studies; providing a range of products and services for graduate, postgraduate, research and professional readership.

Publisher profile: Cambridge Scientific Publishers Ltd

Skylight Press

Cheltenham, United Kingdom

A Small independent British publisher specialising in literary fiction, drama and poetry, advanced horticulture and the esoteric.

Publisher profile: Skylight Press

multi-science publishing co ltd

brentwood, United Kingdom

Publishing peer reviewed journals chiefly in engineering and applied science, Multi-Science is one of the very few remaining independently owned STM publishers. The company's directors are keen that access to learning be readily available, and have backed this for years with a policy of publ...

Publisher profile: multi-science publishing co ltd

MM Publications

London, United Kingdom

MM Publications is a new publishing house having subsidiaries and offices in several countries and specialising in the production of ELT materials. These are specially designed for learners of English as a foreign language.

Publisher profile: MM Publications

Monsoon Books

Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom

Monsooon Books is an award-winning UK-based (formerly Singapore-based) independent publisher of English-language fiction and narrative non-fiction with Southeast Asian themes. It's authors come from all over the world and the books are available in UK, North America, Australia and Southeast Asia.

Publisher profile: Monsoon Books

Artech House Books

London, United Kingdom

Recognised as a leading publisher of quality professional books for engineers and managers in high-technology fields ranging from biomedical engineering and nanotechnology to defense electronics, microwaves, and communications security.

Publisher profile: Artech House Books

SLG Press

Oxford, United Kingdom

Founded in 1967, SLG Press is a small publishing house run by the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God (SLG), an Anglican contemplative community based in Oxford, England. We are supported by the community and also by the charity, SLG Charitable Trust Limited.

Publisher profile: SLG Press

Old Pond Publishing

United Kingdom

Selling books and videos associated with rural and agricultural history.

Publisher profile: Old Pond Publishing

203 publishers in the the directory of book publishing companies of United Kingdom
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