Publishing Companies of Turkey

Listing 61 to 70 of 74 Turkish Publishing Houses

Page 7 of 8 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Turkish Publishers Directory

Elvan Yayinlari

Ankara, Turkey

Publishing in Turkish, English and German

Publisher profile: Elvan Yayinlari

Populer Kitaplar

Istanbul, Turkey

Publisher profile: Populer Kitaplar

Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari

Ankara, Turkey

Türkish Historical Society, which was founded on 15th April 1931 by Atatürk, is engaged in the activities of analysing, researching, presenting, disseminating and publishing from a scientific aspect, the studies on Turks and Turkish history.

Publisher profile: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayinlari

Kutup Yay Sila Kitapevi

Istanbul, Turkey

Publisher profile: Kutup Yay Sila Kitapevi

Ithaki Yayinlari

Istanbul, Turkey

Established 1997 in Istanbul, Ithaki is a publisher of fiction and non-fiction books. We are among ten leading publishing houses in Turkey, and so far we have published 620 books in series such as Literature, Classical and Contemporary World Literature, Social Theory, Biography, Philosophy and Ps...

Publisher profile: Ithaki Yayinlari

Kitabevi Yayinlari

Istanbul, Turkey

Turkish literature, Ottoman history and the theology.

Publisher profile: Kitabevi Yayinlari

Kitsan Kitap Kirtasiye

Istanbul, Turkey

Publisher profile: Kitsan Kitap Kirtasiye

Alem Yayinlari

Istanbul, Turkey

Our company publishes books about islam mysticism and scientific books based on islamic sacred texts. On the other hand we have a cooking book to help a housewife's daily life.

Publisher profile: Alem Yayinlari

74 publishing companies in the directory of Turkish publishers

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