er Ozeanverlag Herold besteht seit 2001 und möchte vor allem Akzente in den Bereichen Wirtschafts-, Kolonial- und Militärgeschichte setzen mit Fokus auf Europa und Asien. Wissenschaftliche Werke werden ebenso publiziert wie Darstellungen persönlich erlebter Geschichte.
Publisher profile: Ozeanverlag Herold
List of other Travel publishers in Germany
Encante Press, LLC publishes nonfiction books in the following categories: Animals, Environment, Nature, Politics, Science, Travel, Wildlife. Please see our website for submission requirements.
Publisher profile: Encante Press, LLC
List of other Travel publishers in United States
An independent Australian and New Zealand non-fiction co-edition publisher. Exisle publishes in a wide range of categories, including parenting, self-help, health, biography/memoir, business and money, current affairs, travel, home and garden, lifestyle, art, military, sport, inspirational and gi...
Publisher profile: Exisle Publishing
List of other Travel publishers in Australia
We are Publishers & Distributors of Reference & Academic books in the field of Social Science & Humanities and Science & Technology. We are Indian Publishers with International Quality.
Publisher profile: SBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
List of other Travel publishers in India
Ebooks for the UK market
Publisher profile: AddaBook
List of other Travel publishers in Sweden
Jigsaw is a successful publishing company with a reputation for providing advertisers with unique opportunities to deliver their message effectively to a highly desirable and targeted audience through N.I.M 's(newspaper inserted magazines)
Publisher profile: Jigsaw
List of other Travel publishers in Canada
Phrase books, travel packs, language courses for a number of levels, bilingual (including specialized) dictionaries. The courses are accomplished with various multiple-media products. The materials are available in more than 25 languages.
Publisher profile: Living Language Ltd.
List of other Travel publishers in Russia
Parousia Collective is established to serve as a solution to the challenges faced by Christian authors by meeting the needs of publishing and distribution of books. Parousia Publishing handles Digital and Print Publication with a Bookstore publishing Fiction, Non Fiction and General Genres.
Publisher profile: PAROUSIA PUBLISHING
List of other Travel publishers in Nigeria
Publishing in Turkish, English and German
Publisher profile: Elvan Yayinlari
List of other Travel publishers in Turkey