Travel House Media besitzt ein einzigartiges Markenportfolio: die komplette Merian-Und Michelin-Produktpalette, die Highlights des Touring Club Italiano sowie den Feinschmecker Guide 2008 und die Feinschmecker Sonderhefte.
Publisher profile: Michelin Deutschland (Travel House Media GmbH)
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TRAVEL HOUSE MEDIA besitzt ein einzigartiges Markenportfolio: die komplette MERIAN-und MICHELIN-Produktpalette, die Highlights des Touring Club Italiano sowie den FEINSCHMECKER GUIDE 2008 und die FEINSCHMECKER Sonderhefte.
Publisher profile: Touring Club Italiano/Travel House Media GmbH
List of other Travel publishers in Germany
Publication via allay valley imprint is a perfect choice for the authors looking for a complete, high quality, personal publishing program that leverages the expertise of publishing professionals. From manuscript evaluation, to replying to authors about chances of publishing; we have the shortest...
Publisher profile: AllayValley Publications
List of other Travel publishers in India
Publishers of the award-winning PJM: Panache Jamaica Magazine. Services in digital, print and online media.
Publisher profile: Panache Communications Inc.
List of other Travel publishers in Jamaica
Publisher of Canadian Rockies non-fiction books, including the Canadian Rockies Trail Guide.
Publisher profile: Summerthought Publishing
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Publishers of travel magazines and producer of travel movies all aimed at group travel organisers.
Publisher profile: Group Travel Media
List of other Travel publishers in United Kingdom
Publisher of practical guides, travel guides, gift-books and YA fiction with nation-wide distribution. O Quinto Selo imprint publishes romantic, historical, noir and chick-lit fiction. Main authors: Ian Fleming, Marian Keyes, Nora Roberts.
Publisher profile: Arteplural Edições Lda.
List of other Travel publishers in Portugal
UK based travel books publishers, specialising in European travel books. Online purchase.
Publisher profile: Pallas Athene
Books published by mediane are focussed on the Italian Cinema and culture, but also board books about music and actors. Absolutely unique is the photocult label, dedicated to culture and travel.
Publisher profile: Mediane S.r.l.
List of other Travel publishers in Italy
Periplus Editions, a member of the Periplus Publishing Group, has a reputation for top-quality books providing readers with unparalleled insights on Asian subjects ranging from design to travel to cooking.
Publisher profile: Periplus Editions A Member of the Periplus Publishing Group
List of other Travel publishers in United States