Publishing house specialized in the world of religions, from an accurate, open and completely indepedent point of view, whose aim is making people know the religious diversity existing, the great texts originated from religions, and sound studies dedicated to these themes.
Publisher profile: Fragmenta Editorial S.L.L.
List of other Text publishers in Spain
It prints on Sardinian items showing the different aspects of the Island's culture: history, poetry, memoirist, novels and romances, fiction, Sardinian language. With maximum attention on the graphical aspects as well as in texts and items.
Publisher profile: AIPSA Edizioni
List of other Text publishers in Italy
The International Journal of Serendib (IJOS) is an international open-access, peer reviewed journal aiming to publish research papers relating to the Humanities scope.
Publisher profile: International Journal of Serendib
List of other Text publishers in Sri Lanka
All our major courses and series have been updated closely in accordance with the latest guidelines of the Central Board of Secondary Education. Always current with the new curricular directives, Viva has consistently provided content rich in both quality and values.
Publisher profile: Viva Education
List of other Text publishers in India
Al Iman Establishment has paid special attention to the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Accordingly it released miscellaneous editions of Quran with interpretation (tafseer) and selected Haditu on its margin. It released new editions of Quran including meaning translation and text transliteration ...
Publisher profile: Al Iman Establishment
List of other Text publishers in Lebanon
Publishes and distributes e-book mathematics texts over the internet.
Publisher profile: The Trillia Group
Phidal Publishing specializes in developing children's books with bright illustrations, rich text and unique formats that please both parent and child.
Publisher profile: Phidal Publishing Inc.
List of other Text publishers in Canada
Publishers of scientific and technical books, journals, and multimedia products in the areas of mathematics and computer science, including computer games and graphics.
Publisher profile: A K Peters, Ltd.
List of other Text publishers in United States
Private press and publishers of books in limited and numbered editions, printed in letterpress or intaglio techniques, on high quality paper, and accompanied by original prints. Bound with a creative hand made bindings.
Publisher profile: Even Hoshen
List of other Text publishers in Israel
Smartline publishes and distributes educational and general books in Ghana.
Publisher profile: Smartline Publishing Limited
List of other Text publishers in Ghana