Global Impact Journal is dedicated to delivering in-depth analysis on pressing global issues. Covering various topics from Economy and Politics to Science, Health, and Culture, we provide thoughtful perspectives on the world's trends and events. Join us for expert insights and info
Publisher profile: Global Impact Journal
We give you the best of Local and World News, Sports, Politics, Business & Technology News, TV, Live
Publisher profile: News Report Zimbabwe
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS) is a double blind peer-reviewed, quarterly, multidisciplinary international research journal.
Publisher profile: International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS)
List of other Technology publishers in United States
Creating a platform to publish entrepreneur success stories. Availing the hardships & struggles faced by entrepreneurs. Also their success & achievements.
Publisher profile: Strive Business Magazine
List of other Technology publishers in South Africa
Aspire Magazine is an inspirational magazine aimed at building up young people as distinct individuals who can craft their future and serve as positive influence to society.
Publisher profile: Aspire Magazine
List of other Technology publishers in Nigeria SRL manages three publishing houses: ePublishers, eLiteratura, and eDidactica. <br />All publications are in electronic format.
Publisher profile: SRL
List of other Technology publishers in Romania
Digital Information Research Foundation is one of the largest publishers of Science and Technology journals. The journals published by them are reviewed and indexed in many global databases.
Publisher profile: Digital Information Research Foundation
List of other Technology publishers in India
Third Coast Publishers LLP is a Houston, Texas based publishing company of various media, such as books, ebooks, online books, audio books, and iphone applications in a variety of genres in both fiction and non-fiction. For more information about the company, please visit our site.
Publisher profile: Third Coast Publishers LLP
List of other Technology publishers in United States
Publisher profile: Feenixx Publishing, Inc.
List of other Technology publishers in United States
Consulting innovation analysts. Publisher of innovation reports and data, in print and electronic formats. Topics: innovation cities, urban innovation economic development and global socio-economic change. Target markets: cities, local government, start-ups, mid-size business.
Publisher profile: 2thinknow
List of other Technology publishers in Australia