Biography, cinema, essay, ethics, history, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, religion, spirituality, children's books.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Rialp, S.A.
List of other Spirituality publishers in Spain
General fiction and non-fiction-poetry, children's books, educational books, craft and leisure books, practical handbooks, art books, self-help, psychology and spirituality books. Borgen's Bookclub: Books on body, mind and spirit.
Publisher profile: Borgen
List of other Spirituality publishers in Denmark
Founded in 1936, and working from our own building in the heart of London's historic Clerkenwell, we continue to thrive as an independent publisher. Under the Robert Hale imprint, we cater for a truly wide range of interests both in fiction and non-fiction with particular strengths in general har...
Publisher profile: Robert Hale Ltd
List of other Spirituality publishers in United Kingdom
Tenth Street Press - Book publishers of Fact, fiction and everything in-between.
Publisher profile: Tenth Street Press
List of other Spirituality publishers in Australia
The publishing ministry of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho. Providing select evangelical literature faithful to the world-changing truths of the Reformation.
Publisher profile: Canon Press
Dedicated to providing and publishing spiritual writings for the development of the body, soul and spirit.
Publisher profile: Merkur Publishing
Independent publisher of novels, nonfiction, music and spoken audio.
Publisher profile: Covenant Communications Inc.
London-based charity publisher of devotional, spiritual and biographical booklets. Publisher to the Holy See. Relies on membership to support publishing program.
Publisher profile: Catholic Truth Society
Information about and selected articles from The Friend, an independent weekly publication about the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
Publisher profile: The Friend
Books on comparative cultural and spiritual traditions, pyschology, self-help, healing and ecology. Includes online catalog with new releases section and ordering information.
Publisher profile: Blue Dolphin Publishing