Society Publishers' Directory

Listing 1 to 10 of 282 Society publishing companies

Page 1 of 29 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of society publishers. To view a list of society publishing companies by country please select a country.

Penguin Random House

New York, United States

Penguin Random House is the international home to more than 300 editorially and creatively independent publishing imprints.

Publisher profile: Penguin Random House
List of other Society publishers in United States

RSC Distribution

Colchester, United Kingdom

Distribution centre for the Royal Society of Chemistry range of books and journals. Subjects covered include food, environmental, polymer, materials, and biological sciences together with inorganic, physical, organic, and analytical chemistry.

Publisher profile: RSC Distribution
List of other Society publishers in United Kingdom

Rose Publishing

Carson, United States

Publisher of comparative religions material, cult awareness material, and Christian educational materials.

Publisher profile: Rose Publishing
List of other Society publishers in United States

Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Carol Stream, United States

Tyndale products include many New York Times best sellers, including the popular Left Behind fiction series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, novels by Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury and Joel C. Rosenberg, plus numerous nonfiction works.

Publisher profile: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
List of other Society publishers in United States

Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd.

London, United Kingdom

Publishers of specialist and professional books in autism and neurodiversity, social work, arts therapies, gender diversity, special education, mental health, Chinese medicine and complementary therapies.

Publisher profile: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd.
List of other Society publishers in United Kingdom


Nashville, United States

The Society of European Stage Authors and Composers is a performing rights organization, with headquarters in Nashville and offices in New York, Los Angeles and London. Designed to represent songwriters and publishers and their right to be compensated for having their music performed in public.

Publisher profile: SESAC
List of other Society publishers in United States



The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada is a copyright collective for musical works, protecting the performing rights of their members and members of their international affiliated societies. The site is available in both French and English.

Publisher profile: SOCAN
List of other Society publishers in Canada

Oregon Catholic Press

Portland, United States

Liturgical music, books, choral collections, hymnals, missals. In English and Spanish.

Publisher profile: Oregon Catholic Press
List of other Society publishers in United States

Morningstar Ministries

Fort Mill, United States

Christian organization publishing the Morning Star Journal as well as books, music and tapes by Rick Joyner, Don Potter, Leonard Jones and others.

Publisher profile: Morningstar Ministries
List of other Society publishers in United States

ASM Press

Washington, United States

ASM Press, the book publishing division of the American Society for Microbiology, will be exhibiting its texts and references in molecular biology and the microbiological sciences.

Publisher profile: ASM Press
List of other Society publishers in United States

282 publishers in the the directory of society publishing companies

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