Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.
Publisher profile: Sabine Schönmann Namaste Verlag
List of other Self-help publishers in Germany
TechPress: licensing, international rights, book series specialization and brand building, working with publishing houses in over 110 countries and 50 different languages. TechPress helps determine and implement the best plan for bringing an author’s works to the market, be it licensing the work ...
Publisher profile: TechPress Inc.
List of other Self-help publishers in United States
Motivational, self-help and healing books. Book list, including excerpts, what's new and author speaking information.
Publisher profile: Creative Bound
Publisher of best-selling book store gifts in a variety of genres: Travel, Children's, Literary, All Ages, Relationship. Card packs plus guide books. More than a book, more than a quiz, mass appeal item with special fee. Worldwide distribution in place. Please contact for further information.
Publisher profile: TAOC ®The Art of Conversation®
List of other Self-help publishers in Australia
Publishers of self-help and Christina Counselling oriented books and materials.
Publisher profile: Family Growth Publishing
An independent Australian and New Zealand non-fiction co-edition publisher. Exisle publishes in a wide range of categories, including parenting, self-help, health, biography/memoir, business and money, current affairs, travel, home and garden, lifestyle, art, military, sport, inspirational and gi...
Publisher profile: Exisle Publishing
List of other Self-help publishers in Australia
¡Publica Tu eBook o Publica tu Libro! Te ofrecemos todos los servicios editoriales y te entregamos una copia de tu libro en tan sólo seis semanas.¡Si ya plantaste un árbol... Publica Tu Libro!
Publisher profile: Publica Tu Libro
List of other Self-help publishers in Puerto Rico
Seedbox Press is an independent publishing company. Seedbox Press publishes an exciting range of books and e-books.
Publisher profile: Seedbox Press, LLC
Jigsaw is a successful publishing company with a reputation for providing advertisers with unique opportunities to deliver their message effectively to a highly desirable and targeted audience through N.I.M 's(newspaper inserted magazines)
Publisher profile: Jigsaw
List of other Self-help publishers in Canada
Publisher of the Non-Fiction and Fiction works of L. Ron Hubbard the author of 19 New York Times bestsellers who sells a book every 6 seconds, is translated into 72 languages and has sold over 230,000 million copies to date. L. Ron Hubbard is one of the most widely read authors of all time and ju...
Publisher profile: New Era Publications
List of other Self-help publishers in Denmark