New Worlds Fiction provides a place for beginning fantasy and science fiction authors to submit work for critique and publishing. Publishing costs nothing, and we will consider all submissions regardless of whether the author has requested a critique. An author whose work is published will receiv...
Publisher profile: New Worlds Fiction
List of other Science publishers in United States
Publisher of primary and secondary level textbooks in English, humanities, modern languages, mathematics, science and technology, business/secretarial studies, and education. A division of Reed Educations & Professional Publishing Ltd
Publisher profile: Heinemann Educational
List of other Science publishers in United Kingdom
STS Science Centre, Ltd. is an independent publisher and research centre seated in London. Next to legal science and economics, the STS Science Centre plans on publishing books regarding other fields of social science such as psychology, sociology, history and management.
Publisher profile: STS Science Centre, Ltd.
List of other Science publishers in United Kingdom
Winterbourne Publishing is a boutique Australian e-publisher of speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy) by new or unknown Australian authors.
Publisher profile: Winterbourne Publishing
List of other Science publishers in Australia
PRINTS INDIA over 4 decades has been most proliferate and resourceful source for Books, Journals, Serials, Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, current and archived in India. PRINTS INDIA has a track record of delivering exceptional customer service. Most trusted partners for sourcing indian publi...
Publisher profile: Prints India
List of other Science publishers in India
Logos Press is a niche publisher focusing on text and reference books guiding actions based on knowledge and experience.
Publisher profile: Logos Press
List of other Science publishers in United States
Academic and trade book publisher and distributor. Publishes critical works in the social sciences and humanities. Lists title, author, subject, order, e-mail and contact details.
Publisher profile: Fernwood Publishing Online
Founded in 1981, Roxbury is an independent college press publishing innovative books, textbooks, and anthologies in the social sciences specializing in sociology, criminology, criminal justice, & speech communication. Publishing 20-25 books per year.
Publisher profile: Roxbury Publishing Company
List of other Science publishers in United States
Infinity Science Press specializes in the areas of engineering, mathematics, physics, and business. Our titles are designed primarily for the educational and professional / reference markets. Our worldwide distribution includes domestic and international.
Publisher profile: Infinity Science Press
List of other Science publishers in United States
Albums, art, bandes dessinées, biographies, entretiens, littérature, sciences humaines, humor, guides tourisme, vie pratique.
Publisher profile: Editions Horay
List of other Science publishers in France