Established in 1978, the company is specialized in technical area, including textbooks for juniors. ILJINSA owns the brand, YesinBooks publishes on hobby, food recipes, and so on. The president of ILJINSA is Mr. Lee, Jung il who was a chairman of Korean Publishers Association(KPA), 2002-2004.
Publisher profile: Iljinsa Publishing Company
List of other School publishers in South Korea
We are a young dynamic publishing company set up in South Africa in 2005. Since setting up our company, we have also registered internationally in the United Kingdom and in Ghana, West Africa where we have published a number of consumer magazines and books. In 2010 we opened our offices in South ...
Publisher profile: Buka Publications
List of other School publishers in South Africa
Publishers of new music for elementary and middle school strings. Catalog, and order form.
Publisher profile: Mewzkl Publications
publisher of High School Economics texts in New Zealand andAustralia.
Publisher profile: Ace Publications
List of other School publishers in Australia
Publisher of Jay Hosler's Clan Apis, The Sandwalk Adventures, and Optical Allusions. Wholesale information and online shopping.
Publisher profile: Active Synapse
List of other School publishers in United States
Jigsaw is a successful publishing company with a reputation for providing advertisers with unique opportunities to deliver their message effectively to a highly desirable and targeted audience through N.I.M 's(newspaper inserted magazines)
Publisher profile: Jigsaw
List of other School publishers in Canada
Esin Publishing house publishes educational books for preschool children. The books are prepared by experts and these books have special publishing styles with reasonable prices. That is why we aim in addressing high masses of people.
Publisher profile: Esin Yayinlari
List of other School publishers in Turkey
Features a program for school orchestras and music ensembles based on classical music transcriptions.
Publisher profile: Publishing House Andrea Wiegand
Der Frankfurt School Verlag bietet mit seinem Buch-und Veranstaltungsprogramm fundierte, praxisorientierte Fachinformationen zum Themenfeld,Finance & Management für jeden Informationsbedarf-vom Brancheneinsteiger bis hin zum Finanzexperten.
Publisher profile: Frankfurt School Verlag GmbH
List of other School publishers in Germany
Art books, fully illustrated books, general encyclopaedias, school books and partworks.
Publisher profile: Gráficas Estella
List of other School publishers in Spain