E-Book Club is offering all the volumes you want to download for just one, low price.
Publisher profile: Alina Adams - E-Book Club
Empowering romance novels, multiple award winning and best-selling authors. Historical, medieval, futuristic, sci-fi, contemporary, and comedy. Bringing wonderful stories and characters to romance readers around the world.
Publisher profile: LionHearted Publishing -Romance Novel Catalog
SPOIO Publishing is the imprint of a diverse company called SPOIO Inc. We publish inspiring stories meant to uplift the human spirit. No thrillers or murder stories. Life-oriented.
Publisher profile: SPOIO Publishing, a division of SPOIO Inc
List of other Romance publishers in United States
Union des editeurs tunisiens
Publisher profile: Union des Editeurs Tunisiens
List of other Romance publishers in Tunisia
We seek to bring knowledge from across the globe to the Nigerian readership, through the acquisition of licenses from foreign publishers to reprint Nigeria edition of books. We also publish local and international authors for Nigeria and global readership.
Publisher profile: The New Breed Resource Centre
List of other Romance publishers in Nigeria
Publisher profile: ThinkBox Publishing
List of other Romance publishers in Canada
Publisher profile: Prothoma Prokashan
List of other Romance publishers in Bangladesh
HARDCOVER & PAPERBACK was established in 2011, in Bucharest, Romania. We are publishing both Fiction & Non-Fiction books (including E-Books). We are mainly focused on literary fiction, books for children, essays, business and sport. Nevertheless, we are opened to any other subject, which may proo...
Publisher profile: HARDCOVER & PAPERBACK
List of other Romance publishers in Romania
Publisher of "Yorkshire Romances", set mainly in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and available in print or as e-books.
Publisher profile: Thorn Tree Publishing
List of other Romance publishers in United Kingdom
JourNique Publishing Group Inc. is a young and emerging company. We publish nonfiction and fiction from various genres. Regardless of your niche, our primary goal is to work hard for you and make your dreams a reality. <br />
Publisher profile: JourNique Publishing Group Inc.