Mvule Africa Publishers is dynamic publishing house in kenya that has accepted and embraced e-Books systems
Publisher profile: Mvule Africa Publishers
List of other Religion publishers in Kenya
Publication via allay valley imprint is a perfect choice for the authors looking for a complete, high quality, personal publishing program that leverages the expertise of publishing professionals. From manuscript evaluation, to replying to authors about chances of publishing; we have the shortest...
Publisher profile: AllayValley Publications
List of other Religion publishers in India
A Christian publisher based in Canada, accepting new authors.
Publisher profile: Revival Nation Publishing
List of other Religion publishers in Canada
Publisher of Catholic liturgical music, mostly contemporary music. Also other liturgical materials and catechetics.
Publisher profile: Resource Publications, Inc.
Resource center for church music, hymnals, missalettes, lectionaries, and other publications. Educational material is also provided on site, as well as useful links for liturgy and church music.
Publisher profile: American Catholic Press
Publishes literature, doctrinal expositions, and family fiction.
Publisher profile: WindRiver Publishing
Religion und Kirche, Pastoral und Katechese, Gebete und Impulse, Geschenkbände, Kultur und Kirche, Bibel, Dias, Kunstkarten, Kalender und Bildbände von Sieger Köder.
Publisher profile: Schwabenverlag AG
List of other Religion publishers in Germany
Publisher of books and tapes on sanctification, forgiveness, healing of mind, body and emotions, and on spiritual health.
Publisher profile: Isaiah House Publishing
Publishing company of Stephen Mark Spence, author of The Round Table Cycle trilogy and African Knights.
Publisher profile: White Stag Publishing
Independent publisher of ebooks and print books for new and seasoned authors.
Publisher profile: Six Degrees Publishing Group