So ist es uns möglich, unseren Autoren eine wirklich kostenfreie Veröffentlichung ihrer Arbeit plus Gewinnbeteiligung und, schon nach wenigen Verkäufen des Buches, ein Freiexemplar anzu
Publisher profile: Akademikerverlag
List of other Religion publishers in Germany
Founded in 1872, the oldest Catholic publishing house in Poland. Publisher of non-fiction (spirituality, faith and culture, theology, philosophy, psychology, family and parenting, et al), school & academic textbooks, children's books.
Publisher profile: Wydawnictwo WAM
List of other Religion publishers in Poland
Publishing companies and services from Scotland, showing a wide range of new titles: academic, classics, biography, fiction, children's, religious, art and photography and Scottish interest.
Publisher profile: Publishing Scotland
List of other Religion publishers in United Kingdom
Cyberbooks of dreaming, feminist spirituality, gaia consciousness, bio-cosmology, eschatology, quantum mechanics and the shekhinah.
Publisher profile: Tree of Life Productions
"Svichado" Publishers works at the monastery of St. John's Lavra of the Studite monks in Lviv, Ukraine, since 1992. We specialize mainly in publishing religious and spiritual literature. We also edit textbooks,teaching and psychological literature for children, youth and couples as well as a chil...
Publisher profile: Svichado Publishers Ltd.
List of other Religion publishers in Ukraine
Books of general and scholarly interest in theology, philosophy, literature, children's literature, and contemporary issues in church, society, and culture.
Publisher profile: Wm. B. Eerdmans, Jr. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
List of other Religion publishers in United States
Publishers and distributors of Orthodox literature and liturgical materials.
Publisher profile: St. John of Kronstadt Press
Publishers of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible and religions reference books. Includes product desctriptions, pricing information, and press releases.
Publisher profile: B.B. Kirkbride Bible Co. Inc.
Founded in 2013, Snuggly Books publishes experimental, Decadent, and Occult fiction.
Publisher profile: Snuggly Books
List of other Religion publishers in United States
Books and journals for religious and biblical studies. Practice of spirituality at different levels, education, psychology, history and evolution of church, current theological and moral problems, oecumenical studies. Christian presence in modern world.
Publisher profile: Dehoniana Libri, S.p.A.
List of other Religion publishers in Italy