Specialties include reference books and how-to-do-it manuals.
Publisher profile: Neal-Schuman Publishers
The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. IAENG publishes journals, conference proceedings and books with a comprehensive covering of all the major branches of engineering.
Publisher profile: International Association of Engineers
List of other Reference publishers in Hong Kong
Publishers of textbooks for college and university students, reference books and research monographs in chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, environmental science, life sciences, mathematics/statistics, medicine and physics.
Publisher profile: Narosa Publishing House Private Limited
List of other Reference publishers in India
Inspirations Books, published by Country Bumpkin Publications is dedicated to producing both practical and beautiful needlecraft books for beginners and advanced needlecrafters.
Publisher profile: Inspirations Books
List of other Reference publishers in Australia
Publisher of educational literature, schoolbooks, history, travel and reference books.
Publisher profile: Modrijan Zalozba
List of other Reference publishers in Slovenia
Innovative international book packager and producer of best-selling titles, supplying publishers worldwide with high quality, fully illustrated reference books, on subjects including architecture, science, popular culture etc.
Publisher profile: Millennium House
List of other Reference publishers in Australia
Cengage Learning develop and publish products to meet the constantly changing needs of their educational, professional, trade and library markets. They are made up of two complementary yet diverse businesses: Higher and Further Education and Library Reference. Higher and Further Education is a po...
Publisher profile: Cengage Learning
List of other Reference publishers in United Kingdom
Omnigraphics Publishing is an authoritative and engaging reference resource in the health and lifestyle space.
Publisher profile: Omnigraphics Publishing
Flairnet is an independent Australian book publisher, established in 2013.
Publisher profile: Flairnet
List of other Reference publishers in Australia
Lucknow, India based books and journals publisher.
Publisher profile: Vandana Publications
List of other Reference publishers in India