Publishing of academic and scholarly books.
Publisher profile: N.U.S. Press Pte Ltd.
List of other Politics publishers in Singapore
Oxfam is an international development agency. It publishes in the fields of international affairs, economics, development, health, gender and disaster relief.
Publisher profile: Oxfam Publishing GB
List of other Politics publishers in United Kingdom
Specialist in schoolbooks and non-specialist essays: philosophy, religion, history, social sciences, psychology, literature, ethics, politics etc.
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Pelckmans
List of other Politics publishers in Belgium
History / biographies, cinema and media historical novels.
Publisher profile: Nouveau Monde Editions
List of other Politics publishers in France
Joybangla News is one of the best newspapers in Chittagong, Covering breaking news on Chittagong hill tracts, bandarban news, parbattanews, paharbarta, bandarban tourist news, pahar24 and chittagong news.
Publisher profile: Joy bangla news
List of other Politics publishers in Bangladesh
Progressive publishing company with the specail edition "Library of Resistance"
Publisher profile: Laika Verlag
List of other Politics publishers in Germany
Berg Publishers is a leading academic press in fashion/dress, media, film, cultural studies, food, anthropology, European history and politics and sport studies. We publish approximately 80 books per annum and seven academic journals.
Publisher profile: Berg Publishers
List of other Politics publishers in United Kingdom
Agora Books is an independent progressive/leftist publishing house, which is at the same instance the publisher of New Left Review besides many other authors such as Arundhati Roy, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Donna Haraway, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Robert Fisk, Fidel Castro, Mike Davis, John Berger, Jorge ...
Publisher profile: Agora Kitapligi Basim Yayim Ltd. Sti.
List of other Politics publishers in Turkey
Italian Paths of Culture (IPOC) Press publishes and promotes books by prominent Italian and Italian-American authors. IPOC, which selects authors and titles that enable readers to understand, evaluate and improve their world, works exclusively with authors who are experts in their fields. IPOC, w...
Publisher profile: Italian Paths of Culture
List of other Politics publishers in Italy
Diversion Press publishes fiction and non-fiction. Visit our website and blog for details. <br /> <br />
Publisher profile: Diversion Press