Publishes Russian translations of English-language poets.
Publisher profile: Ars-Interpres Books
A Reputed on line Book Sore islamic Books.dealing in English,Urdu & Hindi.Islamic Fiction.Urdu Poetry etc
Publisher profile: Aakif Book Depot
List of other Poetry publishers in India
Established and new poets from the avant-garde tradition. Includes order information.
Publisher profile: Adventures in Poetry
Independent publisher of a wide variety of quality literature from contemporary poetry to mysteries to fiction.
Publisher profile: Avocet Press, Inc.
The main player on the Ukrainian book market of modern fiction. The oldest independent Ukrainian publisher. We do things that cannot be created by anyone else. Quality foreign literature for Ukrainian. Exclusive rights for the best Ukrainian modern fiction.
Publisher profile: Calvaria Publishing House
List of other Poetry publishers in Ukraine
Short verse forms deriving from the haiku and tanka tradition, edited by Larry Kimmel.
Publisher profile: Tangerine Antho
Independent book publisher, founded in 1921, specialized in quality children's books, picture books, juvenile novels and classics, poetry and travelling journals.
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Holland
List of other Poetry publishers in Netherlands
Galway Print is an independent publisher in Ireland, publishing original fiction novels and poetry. New authors are welcome to submit their work.
Publisher profile: Galway Print
List of other Poetry publishers in Ireland
Quill House is committed to finding ways to help first time authors get their work into a book and on the market.
Publisher profile: Quill House Publishers
List of other Poetry publishers in United States