The island's most dynamic independent publisher. Global distribution network, recipient of International Awards for great literature, pioneer in exporting Cypriot literature abroad.
Publisher profile: Armida Publications
List of other Poetry publishers in Cyprus
An Australian poetry e-zine that includes haiku, with Jan Bostok as haiku editor.
Publisher profile: Stylus Poetry Journal
Poetry books with a focus on human experience in larger contexts. Includes guidelines, ordering info.
Publisher profile: WordTech Editions
Poetry and art. Includes featured authors, ordering information.
Publisher profile: Chatoyant Press
Mvule Africa Publishers is dynamic publishing house in kenya that has accepted and embraced e-Books systems
Publisher profile: Mvule Africa Publishers
List of other Poetry publishers in Kenya
Publication via allay valley imprint is a perfect choice for the authors looking for a complete, high quality, personal publishing program that leverages the expertise of publishing professionals. From manuscript evaluation, to replying to authors about chances of publishing; we have the shortest...
Publisher profile: AllayValley Publications
List of other Poetry publishers in India
Here find Paraverse Press books on haiku and cross-cultural communication and other subjects by Robin D. Gill. Several of these are grounded in traditional Japanese saijiki.
Publisher profile: Paraverse Press
Brick Mantel Books publishes quality literary fiction and thought-provoking poetry. Our goal is to help readers gain a stronger sense of the world and humanity through literature.
Publisher profile: Brick Mantel Books
List of other Poetry publishers in United States
Der Storia Verlag macht sinnliche Bücher für davor, danach und mittendrin: Belletristik aus dem vollen Leben, Erotika mit Niveau, Ratgeber zu Genießerthemen und Fotobände von Nature bis Nude.
Publisher profile: Storia Verlag OHG
List of other Poetry publishers in Germany
Independent publisher of ebooks and print books for new and seasoned authors.
Publisher profile: Six Degrees Publishing Group