Specialized in children's books: picture books as well as novels for young adults.
Publisher profile: Editions Thierry Magnier
List of other Picture books publishers in France
Créées en 1985, les Impressions Nouvelles ont publié plus de 150 livres dont certains sont devenus des classiques. Elles publient depuis 2002 une vingtaine de livres par an, mélangeant fictions, essais et romans graphiques.
Publisher profile: Les Impressions Nouvelles
List of other Picture books publishers in Belgium
Developing child's learning skill through the world of picture books and educational materials for children from newborn to twelve years old. Providing good childhood experiences as well as fondering improved relationships within the family.
Publisher profile: Passeducation Co., Ltd.
List of other Picture books publishers in Thailand
Picture books including the Bungalo Boys, Pokeweed Public School, Mooners, and New Reader series. Includes free activities and resources for teachers.
Publisher profile: Bungalo Books
Specialized in up-market picture books age 0 to 6.
Publisher profile: Kaléidoscope
List of other Picture books publishers in France
Founded in october 1995 Simonelli Editore from the beginning looked at the digital future of the publishing industry.
Publisher profile: Simonelli Editore srl
List of other Picture books publishers in Italy
Anteism is a Canadian art book publisher producing unique visual artist books, zines, monographs, prints & handmade editions. Anteism books showcase new and emerging Canadian artists and permanently archive these up and coming artists whose work deserves a larger audience.
Publisher profile: Anteism
List of other Picture books publishers in Canada
Canadian-owned publisher of children's picture books and middle grade fiction as well as adult non-fiction titles. F&W also has an educational division publishing textbooks and related educational titles.
Publisher profile: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Publishers
List of other Picture books publishers in Canada
Publisher of award-winning fiction, non-fiction and picture books for children and young adults.
Publisher profile: Boyds Mills Press, Inc. Highlights for Children Company
List of other Picture books publishers in United States
Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd. is an independent publisher base in Singapore. Our inclusive range of services provides an opportunity to anyone who wants to share their ideas with a global audience. We publish books and ebooks in multiple languages including English, Portuguese, and more.
Publisher profile: Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd.
List of other Picture books publishers in Singapore