Culture, literature, art, social sciences, photography magazines and reviews.
Publisher profile: Asociación de Revistas Culturales de España ARCE
List of other Photography publishers in Spain
Photography and Graphic Design (approx. 30 titles available), Chess (approx. 150 titles available in the series , Praxis Schach', 'Progress in Chess' and 'Tschaturanga'), music and cartoons/humour.
Publisher profile: Edition Olms AG
List of other Photography publishers in Switzerland
Edition Lieux Dits is specialized in art, photography and architecture.
Publisher profile: Lieux Dits
List of other Photography publishers in France
P3 Publishing is Hong Kong's leading independent publisher, renowned for producing highly successful niche educational and child development products in addition to high-end lifestyle and financial publications. Advertising and branding opportunities available.
Publisher profile: P3 Publishing
List of other Photography publishers in Hong Kong
Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.
Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral
List of other Photography publishers in France
Creating a Dialogue With Photographers:Australian-based T&G Publishing specialises in establishing a creative dialogue with the acclaimed photographers they publish. T&G are committed to showcasing elite photographic art - emanating from both Australia and worldwide. As a measure of the global re...
Publisher profile: T&G Publishing
Viena Edicions, founded in 1991, is an independent publishing house. We publish mainly in Catalan (and occassionally also in Spanish) about different subjects: Art and photography books, non-fiction books, cook books, history books and guides.
Publisher profile: Viena Edicions
List of other Photography publishers in Spain
Creating a platform to publish entrepreneur success stories. Availing the hardships & struggles faced by entrepreneurs. Also their success & achievements.
Publisher profile: Strive Business Magazine
List of other Photography publishers in South Africa
Our illustrated books explore the links between picture and words in a constant concern for quality, through a carefull page make-up. As, for us, photography can get on with all the genres: social sciences, art history, architecture or literature.
Publisher profile: Le Bec en l'Air Editions
List of other Photography publishers in France
I'm a publisher. My website have 10000 visit/day.
Publisher profile: Tinmoingay
List of other Photography publishers in Vietnam