A Small independent British publisher specialising in literary fiction, drama and poetry, advanced horticulture and the esoteric.
Publisher profile: Skylight Press
List of other Natural history publishers in United Kingdom
Lucknow, India based books and journals publisher.
Publisher profile: Vandana Publications
List of other Natural history publishers in India
Feather Knight Books is a traditional/progressive publishing company that now offers services for writers and authors who wish to self-publish. Check out our competitive price guide and itemised professional services.
Publisher profile: Feather Knight Books
List of other Natural history publishers in Australia
Palacký University Press has been specializing in scientific and popular-science publications, medical publications, textbooks as well as books regarding the fields of history, art and photography. It also publishes various peer-reviewed journals, most of them in electronic and Open Access form.
Publisher profile: Palacký University Press
List of other Natural history publishers in Czech Republic
The Good News Hub is your premiere source for good, uplifting news from all over the world. Science shows that positive news boosts mental health and well being.
Publisher profile: The Good News Hub
M/s Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh is an independent publisher of scientific books since 1957. Publishing high-quality books in the domain of science and technology, with a special focus on plant sciences. So far, over 1700 titles have been published in the domain.
Publisher profile: Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh
List of other Natural history publishers in India
Agora Books is an independent progressive/leftist publishing house, which is at the same instance the publisher of New Left Review besides many other authors such as Arundhati Roy, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Donna Haraway, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Robert Fisk, Fidel Castro, Mike Davis, John Berger, Jorge ...
Publisher profile: Agora Kitapligi Basim Yayim Ltd. Sti.
List of other Natural history publishers in Turkey
South Asian Research Publishing Organization (SARPO) is an international publisher of open-access journals, academic books, thesis papers, and proceedings. SARPO provides services to the scientific/research community for publishing high-quality research.
Publisher profile: South Asian Research Publishing Organization
List of other Natural history publishers in Bangladesh
The International Journal of Serendib (IJOS) is an international open-access, peer reviewed journal aiming to publish research papers relating to the Humanities scope.
Publisher profile: International Journal of Serendib
List of other Natural history publishers in Sri Lanka
The small independently published periodical is a manifestation of contemporary art, local culture, and folkloric history of East Anglia (Suffolk, Norfolk and bordering areas) in the United Kingdom.
Publisher profile: EAVA Zine
List of other Natural history publishers in United Kingdom