Publishing in Turkish, English and German
Publisher profile: Elvan Yayinlari
List of other Literature publishers in Turkey
2008-9 marks further growth in our reference titles on Japan, Korea and China, as well as Inner Asia and the language of Asia. Global Oriental provides scholars with a robust, independent voice across all disciplines in East Asian and Inner Asian studies.
Publisher profile: Global Oriental Ltd.
List of other Literature publishers in United Kingdom
National exhibition of children's, juvenil literature and illustrated book from the national competitions for the last ten years.
Publisher profile: Association Of Publishers And Booksellers Of Slovenia
List of other Literature publishers in Slovenia
Percussion publisher, it offers music for percussion ensemble and solo literature for snare drum, marimba, vibraphone and xylophone.
Publisher profile: Kastuck Percussion Studio, Inc.
The complete information on all publications of Zenska infoteka. It publishes feminist literature and the journal "Bread and Roses".
Publisher profile: Women's Infotheque
Founded in 1985 les éditions XYZ is awel known publishing company in litterature. It publish 25 new titles a year
Publisher profile: Les éditions XYZ
List of other Literature publishers in Canada
favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.
Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France
List of other Literature publishers in Canada
Vox Humana Books is an independent, small literary publisher founded in 2009 at Kfar Sava, Israel. The press also maintains a strong focus on the publication of works by new and established Israeli, Palestinian and other Middle-Eastern writers and artists.
Publisher profile: Vox Humana Books
List of other Literature publishers in Israel
Publishers of Books and Digital Media
Publisher profile: Creative Storytellers
List of other Literature publishers in Netherlands
It is a publishing house which encourages new and good authors who find it difficult to get their work recognized.
Publisher profile: Rainbow Publishers
List of other Literature publishers in India