Promotes Polish literature abroad and initiates reading promotion programs in Poland. Its website offers a wide range of information on Polish literature. Offers financial support for translations.
Publisher profile: The Book Institute (Das Buchinstitut)
List of other Literature publishers in Poland
The publishing house VOLAND was started in 1995 by the slavist Daniela Di Sora. Since its foundation, Voland has been focusing on Eastern Europe literature but gradually we have grown spreading ourselves over other literatures.
Publisher profile: Voland Edizioni
List of other Literature publishers in Italy
Ofoq Publishers was founded by Reza Hasheminejad and now, is among the best publishing houses in Ian. Ofoq abides to Copyright for most of its translated titles. It has won many national and international awards.
Publisher profile: Ofoq Publishers
List of other Literature publishers in Iran
Devoted to Environmental Awareness and Technological Advancements in Research
Publisher profile: Euresian Publication
List of other Literature publishers in India
Ésquilo is an independent house that publishes books mainly in areas such as Philosophy, History, Espirituality, Psychology and Human Relations, mythical and historic fiction, new scientific paradigms, and other topics related to new century vision.
Publisher profile: Ésquilo
List of other Literature publishers in Portugal
More Short Stories is a website by short story writers for short story readers. We publish interesting short stories in a variety of genres and by beginning writers as well as proficient writers. Take
Publisher profile: More Short Stories
List of other Literature publishers in United States
LEdizioni - Ledipublishing is a scholarly publisher, offering worldwide distribution services (Italy and abroad). Offers POD and online publishing services both to authors and other publishers.
Publisher profile: Ledizioni/LediPublishing
List of other Literature publishers in Italy
Primus Books has commissioned, and shall continue to do so in future, the best authors and works in critical, contemporary writings on South Asia that bridges trade and academic markets. Our current strength is in the fields of history, anthropology, politics and current affairs, Indo-Persian stu...
Publisher profile: Primus Books
List of other Literature publishers in India
Publisher of contemporary Australian and Austrian literature published in the German language.
Publisher profile: Gangan Publishing
The Lutterworth Press is one of the oldest independent British publishing houses. We have been trading since the late 18th Century, and have built up a worldwide reputation for publishing books of high quality by authors of distinction. Since 1984 it has been associated with James Clarke & Co., a...
Publisher profile: Lutterworth Press - James Clarke & Co.
List of other Literature publishers in United Kingdom