A non-profit corporation whose purpose is to publish and promote poetry and other literature for a discerning audience. Includes ordering information.
Publisher profile: Autumn House Press
Biography, cinema, essay, ethics, history, literature, philosophy, pedagogy, religion, spirituality, children's books.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Rialp, S.A.
List of other Literature publishers in Spain
Travel guides, children's books, literature for young people, books on music, gardening, religion and philosophy.
Publisher profile: J.H. Gottmer
List of other Literature publishers in Netherlands
Peliguin Publications was established in 1998 to promote and market the unique life changing books written by Robin Craig Clark and illustrated by Amanda J. Clark.
Publisher profile: Peliguin Publications
List of other Literature publishers in Australia
Simply Haiku publishes haiku, English haiku,tanka, renku, renga, rengay, haiga, haibun, short poetry, oriental art, Japanese haiku, Japanese poetry. A haiku electronic journal, edited by Robert Wilson and team.
Publisher profile: Simply Haiku: Quarterly Journal of Japanese Short Form Poetry
Gunisigi Kitapligi, established in 1996, is the only publisher in Turkey focusing solely on selected children's and young adult's books from Turkish and world literature and organizing their distribution.
Publisher profile: Gunisigi Kitapligi
List of other Literature publishers in Turkey
Edited by Jeffrey Woodward. Publishes haibun, tanka prose, essays and book reviews.
Publisher profile: Haibun Today
Contemporary Literary Review: India (CLRI) is an online literary journal which publishes a wide variety of creative pieces including poetry, stories, criticism, reviews, non-fiction, and other genres of the best quality of the time from around the world.
Publisher profile: Contemporary Literary Review: India
List of other Literature publishers in India
Bible, liturgy, theology, documents, catechism, art history, church history, lives of saints, fiction, literature for children.
Publisher profile: Krscanska sadasnjost
List of other Literature publishers in Croatia
The publishing ministry of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho. Providing select evangelical literature faithful to the world-changing truths of the Reformation.
Publisher profile: Canon Press