Publisher of children's books and language device, SpeakingPen. You can listen to any chapters, dialogues, sentences, words just by touching them with SpeakingPen. Speaking Pen helps learners improve their language more quickly and efficiently.
Publisher profile: Speaking
List of other Language publishers in South Korea
French publisher specialized in foreign languages teaching books for pupils in middle school, student at university or teachers. English literature, French language study, old languages, research in linguistics, history, geography, sociology, history of art. Ophrys also distributes dictionaries i...
Publisher profile: Editions Ophrys
List of other Language publishers in France
Wir publizieren für Forschung, Lehre und berufliche Praxis: Geistes-und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Medien und Kultur. Dissertationen, Habilitationen, Berichte, Editionen, Fach-und Lehrbücher.
Publisher profile: Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung
List of other Language publishers in Germany
Editorial Andorra is a small editorial founded in 1967 in Andorra. The only state whose official language is Catalan. Its main collections are based on Andorran and Pyrenees themes and/or Andorean authors.
Publisher profile: Editorial Andorra
List of other Language publishers in Andorra
Multilanguage publisher specializing in technical/scientific books, also publishing other genres: fiction (SF, young adult, romance, satiric, historical), non-fiction (essays, how-to, guides).
Publisher profile: Infarom
List of other Language publishers in Romania
Publishing books in English, Tamil and other Indian languages. Offering publishing services (content development, translation, DTP, E-publishing) in all major international / national langauges. Seeking partnership in both books rights, distributing, selling and service business.
Publisher profile: Aazhi Publihsers
List of other Language publishers in India
Sinolingua, a member of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG), was founded in 1986. It is China’s first publisher specializing in Chinese-language teaching and learning materials for foreigners, and is a prestigious brand in this field. Sinolingua mainly publishes books, audio-video pro...
Publisher profile: Sinolingua Press China
List of other Language publishers in China
Edguecational Publishing is a publishers of children's educational books and specialty titles in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
Publisher profile: Edgeucational Publishing
List of other Language publishers in United States
TBC has been in business for over 20 years & prides itself as being a market leader in richly illustrated, high quality children's early-learning, novelty & story books. We publish approx. 200 titles a year in over 30 languages & supply to over 30 countries.
Publisher profile: The Book Company Publishing Pty Ltd
List of other Language publishers in Australia
Since 1993 in the Ehrt edition original graphic books, books which are unique and artistic collections have been edited. Often Ehrt`s graphical works have a narrative character reflecting literature and history – that is the reason why a special relation to the book of the artist is established. ...
Publisher profile: Edition Ehrt
List of other Language publishers in Germany