Offers humorous cat as well as children's and health titles. Links to distributors provided. New Zealand.
Publisher profile: Magari Publishing
Offering support and resources to those who are bereaved, a feedback page for people to share their own stories, online bookstore.
Publisher profile: Landscapes Publishing
Longueville has been a leader in self-publishing for nearly 20 years. We specialise in creating books for individuals, businesses, or associations with a story to tell – immortalise your story now. We are proudly a specialty publisher, now with offices in Sydney and New York.
Publisher profile: Longueville Media
List of other Health publishers in Australia
Publisher of best-selling book store gifts in a variety of genres: Travel, Children's, Literary, All Ages, Relationship. Card packs plus guide books. More than a book, more than a quiz, mass appeal item with special fee. Worldwide distribution in place. Please contact for further information.
Publisher profile: TAOC ®The Art of Conversation®
List of other Health publishers in Australia
Publishers of self-help and Christina Counselling oriented books and materials.
Publisher profile: Family Growth Publishing
The official website of the NASCAR racing team of which Bridge Publications, the publisher of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health book is a major sponsor.
Publisher profile: Freedom Racing - Team Website 2006
An independent Australian and New Zealand non-fiction co-edition publisher. Exisle publishes in a wide range of categories, including parenting, self-help, health, biography/memoir, business and money, current affairs, travel, home and garden, lifestyle, art, military, sport, inspirational and gi...
Publisher profile: Exisle Publishing
List of other Health publishers in Australia
ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: <br />The VOX MEDICA PUBLISHER has been present on the Hungarian market of health-related publications for 15 years of publishing experience and with several popular products. <br />With many years of experience and with several popular publications, our main profile is the...
Publisher profile: VoxMedica Publishing Company
List of other Health publishers in Hungary
Oxford-based publisher of professional and academic books in the following sectors: biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry, pharma, bioscience, biomedical, medical, biochemistry, healthcare and health science book publisher
Publisher profile: Biohealthcare Publishing (Oxford) Ltd
List of other Health publishers in United Kingdom
GUP ist spezialisiert auf hochwertige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in den Bereichen Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften und Medizin. GUP bietet auch Print-on-Demand-, CD-ROM-und Internet-Publikationen an.
Publisher profile: German University Press (GUP) Baden-Baden
List of other Health publishers in Germany